I never knew

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A/N little authors note there's a little kind of competition thing in this chapter for more details it's at the end of the chapter, hope you enjoy ;)

Steve's pov
I look out the window at the beautiful blue sky with puffy white clouds and sun shinning bright I look towards the ocean underneath us and smile as the little waves move forward calmly
"You ok?"
I look towards fury and smile
"Yeah fine" I say
"I'm worried about Romanoff" he abruptly says, I look behind me to see her stirring in her sleep, nightmare
"I am too, she barley sleeps or eats and with that boys death as well she blames herself, the stress is just building and building up and one day it's all gonna tumble down on her" I say with sympathy whilst looking at the ocean again
"With Ivan on her ass as well she's in serious danger on top of that" I nod in response then look at him again slightly confused
"What is the deal with this Ivan guy anyway, I always ask but nat just shuts me out all the time?" I ask, fury looks at me then Natasha, he pauses for a minute considering whether he should tell me or not but finally after what feels like forever of the deafening silence he finally speaks
"Fine but don't tell Natasha I told you" I nod and wait for him to respond
"When Natasha was younger believe it or not she did have family, a mother and father, both dead now after Ivan set there house on fire, her mom had no choice but to chuck Natasha out of the top bedroom window before getting engulfed in flames and she landed straight into Ivan's arms where he then took her to the red room and raised her" I stare at him shocked, I never knew, I never knew she had to go through that, I mean, being born in the red room's bad enough but being raised with a loving family and then get snatched away from them to one place you can only describe as hell, how could she live with that? I never knew she was this brave, but that just makes me love her more.
"Does she remember? Her parents I mean?" I ask
"Hard to say she's only mentioned her mother once to me throughout the whole time I've know her and it was only about a lullaby or something so I'm not sure" I look to the ground then to fury again and silence drowns us, both caught up in thought and thinking about the near future and what might happen
"I wish I could help her" I say breaking the silence
"Me too"
"She just doesn't-" I get cut off
"Doesn't what Steve?"
"Nat?" I stammer "look I was just gonna say let me in" shit, was that the right response? I can't ever read her facial expressions, well to be fair I can read one I can tell when she's angry, I've come to know that death stare she gives me, it comes up quite frequently
"Well if you guys are done talking about me I was gonna ask who the hell are those jets behind us?" She asks, racing out f my seat I look out the little window and see 2 military jets on our tail
"Friendly?" I ask, Natasha looks at me then the jets
"No can't be they'd be on radio, fury check it" she instructs
"Radio silence"
"Well that answers your question Steve, I'm taking the seat back, me and fury are flying this thing" she pushes past me with confidence and I smell her scent as it wafts past my nostrils I grin and pick up my shield god she smells good, is that weird to say?
"Steve grab the launcher in the back we might need it in a minute".
I quickly do as I'm told and grab the launcher holding onto it tightly making sure it's on safety don't want any accidents.
We move, In and out, Natasha and fury are maneuvering the quin jet as the bullets spray past
"Captain open the door and shoot them down dammit!" Fury orders, I nod and scurry quickly over to the door hesitating for a second before pressing the button and opening the hatch, I see the jets directly behind us and aim the launcher
3...2....1 fire!
Direct hit and the jet goes tumbling down to the ground and I'm left with one. I go to fire again but he swiftly moved out the way having the turrets pointed straight at me
"Get down I shout as I duck and roll dogging the bullets and taking the shield off my back, I get into a ball position and try to cover up every bit of skin whilst also trying to stop damage to the plain
"Steve the shield aim it back at him"
"What?" I ask
"Aim the shield at him" she shouts and that I heard. I do as she says and aim it back at him and the bullets bounce off my shield and hit him, the engine goes up in smoke and the plane; along with the pilot, plummets down to the ground landing in a big explosion shaking the jet slightly
"Anyone hurt?" I ask
"I'm good" Natasha said
"Not so sure about fury" I glance to him to see him hiding his side
"Only a flesh" cough "wound I'm fine"
"No your not come on get to the back, nat you fly?"
"Sure" I smile at her and take fury to the back
"Put pressure on there"
"I'm aware of what to do Rogers and you know I can fix myself up so what are you really doing?" He asks, seriously how did he know it's like he's a clairvoyant
"Who were they?" I ask
"Judging by the jet military, certainly not American but judging from the plane either German or Russian but it doesn't take long to figure out which one it is out of the two"
"How'd they find us?"
"Most likely followed us"
"Huh we need to get somewhere safe and now, where is this damm secret base you keep going on about anyway
"Oh bout 10 minutes away and it's a little place I like to call
providence I have a team there at the moment but I'll explain more when we land"
Oh god fury what on earth are you getting us into now, or more importantly who with?

A/N I apologise for the late update guys, I've had exams all well so I've been studying but thank you for sticking with me and I'm very sorry for this rubbish chapter :/ but I added a little Easter egg in there so free mention in next chapter for first person who can tell me what 'providence' is and who the team is there?
Good luck
-shield135 xx

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