Harry and Crissy

329 11 8

Vantul batea pe strazile intunecate ale Londrei.Afara era o liniste cumplita,auzindu-se doar pasii mei calcand pe frunzele ofilite,fiind in luna octombrie.

Cand ma gandesc ca acum o luna copiii fugeau si strigau prin parcuri la ora 10 noaptea iar acum la 6 seara nu mai vezi picior de om.Acum e frumos sa iesi la o plimbare sub bolta cereasca cautand stele cazatoare sperand ca intr-o zi sa iti gasesti Fat-Frumosul.

Cu toate ca am 14 ani sunt indragostita nebuneste de un baiat care nici macar nu stie ca exist.E cu 5 ani mai mare decat mine si ca sa fie umplut paharul, e o celebritate.Stiu la ce va ganditi.O nebuna spera sa ca dintre toate fetele pe ea sa o aleaga un baiat dorit de miliarde de fete.Da,e dorit dar nici una nu il iubeste cum il iubesc eu,e special ceea ce simt eu pentru el.

Maine seara au concert aici si am bilet V.I.P!Maine seara se va indragosti de mine si tot maine seara sufletele noastre vor fi complete.

***************************** A doua zi seara la concert**************************************************

Mai aveau o melodie si se termina concertul,eu putand sa imi pun planul in aplicare.Cantau Everything about you.

"Everything About You"


You know I've always got your back, girl

So let me be the one you come running to, running to, r-r-running

I see it’s just a matter of fact, girl

You just call my name

I'll be coming through, coming through, I'll keep coming


On the other side of the world, it don't matter

I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two

I still feel it every time

It's just something that you do

Now ask me why I want to


It's everything about you, you, you

Everything that you do, do, do

From the way that we touch, baby

To the way that you kiss on me

It's everything about you, you, you (everything about you)

The way you make it feel, new, new, new

Like every party is just us two

And there's nothing I could point to

It's everything about you, you, you (everything about you)

Everything about you, you, you (everything about you)

It's everything that you do, do, do (everything about you)

It's everything about you


Yes, I like the way you smile with your eyes

Other guys see it but don’t realize that it's m-my loving

There's something about your laugh that it makes me wanna have to

There's nothing funny so we laugh at n-n-nothing


Every minute’s like the last so let’s just take it real slow

Forget about the clock that's tick-tick-ticking   [HARRY STYLES]

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