Chapter 6: Find her and you'll find answers

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Whoopwhoop it's vacation! Meaning I'm able to update more than once a month :D But we're not here to talk about that ;d we're here to continue Chapter 6! On with it ;d 



Becca's p.o.v.

I woke up early this morning. My head pounded from all the crying I did yesterday. I can't put my head around the fact Zayn broke down without any known cause. And the worst part? I actually think this is all my fault. Sighing I filled my cup of coffee and sat at the table staring blankely ahead. I never heard Amber wake up. "Morning." She said plainly as she went straight for the coffee machine. "Don't you mean Goodmorning?" I sassed. Grumpily she turned around and looked me dead in the eye. "Tell me what's so good about it." Well that one shut me up for sure. "I'm sorry." I sighed.

Seconds later she sat next to me and hugged me. "Me too. I just don't understand what happend last night." She sighed.Trying desperatly to change the mood I changed the topic. "What happend last night is you got yourself a boyfriend." I winked. "DID NOT!" She giggled. "Oh come ooooon, don't deny you like what's his name." I rolled my eyes. "His name is Louis and he's NOT my boyfriend." "Oh yeah? Than how come you remember his name?" I smiled in victory. Amber has a hard time in remembering people's name so if she remembers you, you're special. "Ugh fine, I like him but how can you not! Didn't you see him and his trust circle thingy." She gushed as she dreamily stared outside.

"Ofcourse I remember, I've never seen a guy treating you like a princess as much as he did in one simple gesture." I smiled while poking her side. "It doesn't matter though" She sighed. "He's in 'One Direction' He can have anyone he wants. He probably doesn't even remember me anymore." She continued. "How about we test your theory?" I asked quietly. "What do you-?" "I can't stop wondering if Zayn's okay or not, I-I need to know. I'm going there later tonight, who knows loverboy might be there aswell." I explained. "You're going to see him?" She asked carefully. "I have to, I need to know if he's okay. After that I'll be able to move on." I said determinatly. "Okay Boo, I'm coming with." Thank God for that.

Harry's p.o.v.

Me, Niall and Liam returned home late that night. We had lots of explaining to do to everyone really. Management is gonna freak. They're gonna kill us, but I know one girl who's gonna beat them to it. "A STRIP CLUB HARRY? REALLY?" Ally, my girfriend shouted. "Ally... It was Louis idea!" I tried to explain. "YOU should've stayed here! Am I not enough Harry? Do you need to watch other girls strip to get satisfy yourself?" Oh come on, not this again. "Why do you always do that, it was a guys night out, that's all." I was getting desperate over here. 

Luckily my best friend of all time, Yasmine, finally spoke up. "Ally, relax okay? If Harry says nothing happend with those girls he means it. I've known him since forever and I know when he's lying."  Ally seemed to relax a bit but not enough to leave the topic alone. "What are you even doing here Yasmine? Shouldn't you be at home?" Ally bitched. Oh no. "What did you just say?" Yasmine growled. "You heard me." "Oh you wanna fight? Bring it on sweetheart." They started bickering.

"SHUT IT BOTH OF YOU!" I shouted above the noise. They both turned to me in both shock and anger. "Could you 2 for once get along? Ally Yasmine has been my best friend since forever and you know she's not going anywhere." She rolled her eyes annoyed. "I just don't get why you're more with her than me." She huffed. "Because if I even dare to look at one girl we're bickering, gosh I'm growing sick of this. Can you both stop thinking about yourself, I've got a real problem over here. Zayn's in a coma and he might never wake up again. How on earth do we tell management, the fans, his family?" They both stared at the ground in shame. I wonder if the others are having this problem...

Liam's p.o.v.

I've been talking to Aisha about what happend yesterday. She wasn't happy at me for going to a stripclub but she knows we had bigger concerns now. I just can't believe things are gonna end this way. One thing's for sure we're not going to continue without Zayn, that would be disrespectfull. "You know Li, maybe you shouldn't give up on Zayn. Could you tell me what happend one more time?" She asked seriously. Aisha is a great listener and she comes up with theories that could explain even the most unbelievable things.

"We went to the club to have a good time, this girls Becca was harrased by some jerk and me Harry Niall and Louis saved her. Zayn was outside smoking at that point. Later at night he was just standing against the wall looking at the many people when his eyes stopped at the door. Niall told me he ran out without explaining why or what was happening. At the hospital we were met by Becca and an other showgirl who in return explained they had nothing to do with this and they don't understand what happened eather. If we need to believe what they said, Zayn ran out, shouted Becca's name, Becca looked back for a second and went to walk on when they heard her name call again but only vagily and suddenly Zayn was on the ground, unconcious." I explained the story once more

Aisha nodded and got up, pacing around the place. "If what you say is right and Zayn wasn't there when you 'saved' this Becca girl, how could he have known her name?" She thought out loud. "Did he ever leave your sight after the whole Becca saving thing?" She asked me. "No, only when he ran out." I said plainly. "Then Zayn could not have known her name unless..." She ushered me to go on. "Unless... He met her before?" "Yes, if you ask me, she knows more. Find her and you'll find answers." Aisha stated firmly. "Aïsha Babe. That's amazing." I shot up and engulfed her in a bone crushing hug. "I need to tell the others!" I pecked her lips and ran out while texting the others to meet.

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