Chapter 12: Drink

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Zayn's p.o.v.

"Alright Zayn, everything seems to be back to normal. We're still not sure what cause your miraculous awakening, but that'll become clearer when the test result are in. For now it's best to rest so we're keeping you here for another 2 weeks. Just to be sure." I nodded mindlessly. I didn't care what he had to say to me and I didn't need the test results to know what woke me up or should i better say whom woke me up. I know the boys and Amber are waiting outside to hear the same shit the doctor just told me and I know they're happy to see me but I can't bring myself to feel the same way. I just can't. In the blink of an eye I lost Becca again. All because of 3 little words. 3 words that I meant with my whole heart but seemed to rip apart hers. I reopened an old wound I never knew I left her the first place. And now that I know that I did that even though it was unintentionally, I need make it right. I can't leave without telling Becca the truth and I'll do whatever it takes to make her listen to my side of the story. "Zayn. Zayn. ZAYN!" Niall shouted causing me to snap back to this horrible reality. I mumbled a yeah beneath my breath, not really excited about anyone's presence. "You don't seem happy to be back." I sighed and sat up straight, pulling him into a hug. "I'm happy to be back, can't handle hearing you guys without talking back to you but I've got some things on my mind. They make being happy hard." I smiled weakly. They all came to give me a big hug and it made me feel a little bit better. "Amber can I ask you a favor?" All eyes were on me when I said that. "Sure, anything really." "Go home and take care of Becca for me, she really needs you right now." It didn't take long for her to get her stuff and run out of the room, Louis hot on her tail. At least she's not alone  was the only thing I was thinking as the others fill me in on the past week's events.

Becca's p.o.v.

Drink, Drink. Drink again. I'm no better than my father, but at least now i know why he did it. Alcohol relieves pain. Kills it. That's why drunk so much. He had things inside himself he needed to kill. But with the relief of pain came an unfurfilling need to get his anger out. His mind was at peace but his body was raging. I get it now. It doesn't justify shit but I get it. I wonder if he ever looked at me and wished he had never went over that edge again.I took another sip from my half-empty bottle Jack Daniels. Jack was my friend, Amber would always laugh when I slurred that out while being drunk. But she knew I was serious. Jack was my truthserum. I would spit out the truth without giving 2 shits, but i'd never get violent. Maybe that's why I'm nothing like my father, he took action while I was overthinking. Oh Frank, I don't even know why I still refer to you as my dad. You're nothing close to it, but I don't want to be that damaged kid with a deadbeat dad and a destroyed childhood. But i already am that kid. I heard the door slam shut. Hasty footsteps running to my bedroom door but it's locked. Fools trying to open it by shaking the handle. Up and down, up and down. So fast it makes my head spin. I hear small whispers but I'm not able to focus on what they are saying. The handle shakes again.

* Flashback*

"Becca davis open this door!I know you're in there!" he slurred. That's all he did lately, slur. I was shaking on my bed. The window was locked and my closet door gone. All from previous attempts to get away from this shitty place. Got nowhere to hide. The handle was now shaking vigorously. I couldn't stop the tears and sobs as I was looking for a way out. He was pushing the door now, it could break any second. I go for the hopeless attempt and hide under my bed. Hand on my mouth to stop my irregular breathing from being heard. Just as I laid on the floor the door smacked open and a raging Frank stormed in and knocked everything from my table next to the door. My name's spit out like poison in his mouth. I feel his arms pulling me out. I know what's coming next..

"No, no stop it  please don't." I cried as a pair of arms held me tightly. Another snatching away my liquer. "Please don't, just stop. Please don't hurt me." 

"Ssssh Becca I'm here, we're here. He's not. Sssh boo, it's okay." Amber whispered as I let the tears and the sobs fall freely. "It's okay."

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