Chapter 3: Becca?

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Becca's p.o.v.

The night seems to pass by ever so slowly and it's making me feel annoyed and I can tell the other girls are getting worked up to. Currently I'm sitting at the bar with Amber, 'enjoying' my break. Note my sarcasm. How can you enjoy your break when half of the horny guys are eyeing you like you're a piece of meat that they are going to scrunch up. It was disgusting to work here, but I guess we could've had it worse like those girls in the back. I've been there once, the memories still haunt me. Amber has been there more then once and she always comes out crying with bruises. It's horrifying.

"So tell me about Louis Ambs." I smirked, trying to break the silence that was doomed upon ourselves. She rolled her eyes. "Well his name's obviously Louis and from the looks of it he had a few very fit looking friends." She winked at me while turning in her chair, facing the club in search of something, probably him."That's all I know." She sighed as her eyes scanned the room. "There's one more thing about 'Louis.' " Vanessa said with a hint of annoyance. Where did she come from? "One of those fit looking friends was Becca's biggest mistake."

No ... That couldn't be? Zayn was back? No no no no no no no no, she must be mistaken. "Vanessa, tell me that's a sick joke." I said hopefully but I know Vanessa, she doesn't joke about such things. She'd never lie to me. "No babe, he's right there." she said as she pointed towards the corner where an all to familair figure was leaning against a wall. "I'm going home." I stated annoyingly sad. I don't care what Miss Eliot will say, no way in hell am I staying here. "I'll come with, I need a smoke." Amber stated as she took her small jacket and a box of sigarets out.

She darted out the club infront of me. "C'mon slow pokes, I'll walk you home." Sighing I followed. To be honest I'm being torn up inside. One part of me wants to run away as fast as I could. But the other part ... the other part wanted to stay. I glanced over to the corner,  where his beautiful eyes met mine...

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*  Flashback  ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Amber we're not supposed to be here." I whisper shouted while Amber launched us into a club for 18+ Only. "It's not my fault that cute bouncer let us in." She winked jokingly while lightly swinging her hips to the overly loud music that was surrounding us. "Noooo ofcourse not, but it might've been the way you flirted with the guy? Or that you look like your 18 years old." I groaned as we took place at the bar. "Oh cheer up Becca, did you really want to stay home with you know who." She stated seriously. "If he'd find out I was here I'd be dead right away, thank you for letting me crash at your house." I sighed thankfully. I'd rather stay here then go home, but I always go home. He says the same, 'You always comeback and not because you have to." He'd slur. The thought already crept me out. "You're welcome love and relax okay? This place is so amazing." She winked while turning to the cute bartender. " Yeah but if we get arrested I had nothing to do with it." I joked. "YOLO!" She shouted back giggling.

"One Bloody Mary and a water please." Amber smiled nicely towards the bartender who gladly got us our drinks. "Amber, you don't drink. You know that." I laughed as she got her drink. "Just you watch me." She laughed and started chunking the drink. When half of it was gone she smiled a dirty - and probably drunken- smile my way and stood up. "Let's get this party started." She cheered and right when I was about to get up and follow my drunken best friend I bumped into someone who spilled his beer all over me. Great this top was ruined. "Sorry sir." I said nicely while trying to rub away some of the beer with no luck at all cause the stains only got bigger. "I'm not a sir." The guy laughed.

I looked up and immediatly locked eyes with the most handsome guy I have ever seen. "Hi, I'm Zayn..."

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Flashback over  ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

That first night I found out Zayn was only a year, maybe 2 older and ofcourse wasn't allowed to be there neither. But he also said he was happy to be here as he would've never bumped into a girl like me if he wasn't. I never would've thought Zayn would have such an impact on me, yet he did. He always had and even now, standing here staring into his eyes, he still had a big impact on me. We instantly connected that very first day, and that will always be something I'll regret with all of my heart.

I snapped out of my thoughts, realizing I must've stared at the guy I once loved for ages. He didn't seem to mind as he shot me a warm and kind of loving smile. PANG, yet another knife through my heart. If only he knew how much it hurts me to see him smile while I spend every day, trying to find my real smile again...

Zayn's (very first ^^) P.o.v.

Me and the lads went clubbing tonight in this known to be dangerous and more laid back  neighborhood that Louis found on internet. We all disapproved the idea because in those 'hoods' as they are called you don't really see guys like us, more guys who'd like to rip guys like us apart. "C'mon guys! We're freaking one direction! We once got lost in the city because we were running from Paul! We do stupid things but that's what makes us us." He said. Oh yeah great, not the speech again. "Guys why don't we just say yes because I can't handle another Louis speech." I begged at the remberance of his last speech that went on for HOURS." See guys Zayn's down with this! It's an adventure!" He cheered and all of the guys gave in, knowing resistance isn't going to help it. "Yeaaaaaah!" Louis shouted and then ran away, planning this whole trip..

Oddly enough once we arrived, this place looked so familiar. As if I've been here before. The house we passed and even a couple of scary looking dudes... Everything just looked so familiar. But I can't remember ever being here, I can't actually remember anything from my past. My mum would tell me I always was forgetfull but ... Everytime she said it it felt like she held something from me. This couldn't be it, I'm from Bradford and even when this is only a few miles away, my mum would never keep such things from me.  So i just shrugged of the feeling.

Currently we were at the club and Louis kept blabbing on and on and on about this gorgeous show girl who sang for him, I never saw the openings act as I stood outside smoking. I wasn't listening to Louis rambling anymore as my mind started searching for yet another clue to how this place seems so oddly familiar. Why can't I let this go? 'Because you need to remember' A voice in the back of my head said.

Remember what?

I looked around the place, searching for something that would ease out my mind just for a little bit and there walked a beautiful girl as from where I could see. She had beauiful black hair that currently covered her eyes. She was wearing an outfit simular to the the girl who brought our drinks earlier as to see she might've been a showgirl to.

I don't know if she knew I was looking or if she just wanted to look around the place one more time but as my eyes connected with her beautiful Blue ones my heart came crashing down. It ached, it ached so badly. You need to remember... The voice whispered again as my eyes stayed connected with hers which were filled with hurt. My mind raced and my heart ached so badly...



Dun dun duuuuun. Now the question remains ... How come Zayn doesn't remember his past? How come the little voice in his head needs him to remember? And how come he suddenly remembers her name? ^^

5 votes for the nex part? :) xx


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