Chapter 68: Frank (AE)

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Frank was told that this was similar to the Roman war games, except that there were to be absolutely no deaths. That had happened once or accident of course.

"Jason, why don't you explain it to everyone." Frank said. "Alright." Jason said.

"Alright, Romans, listen up." Jason demanded. He had everyone's attention when he said "This game of capture the flag is very similar to our war games. Instead of trying to invade a compound, our goal is to capture the blue flag hidden deep in the Greek defense. Their objective is to capture our red flag that we will hide deep in our complex. Everyone understand?"

Everyone nodded. "Alright," Frank said.

"I also have an announcement to make. Reyna has stepped down from praetorship. She has chosen Hazel to take her place. All in favor?" Frank said. He gave the Romans a quick look that said I-dare-you-to-disagree, but he quickly turned it off in fear of Hazel seeing. Everyone said "I!"

Hazel smiled at Frank. "All on favor of Frank as my co-praetor?" Hazel said. There was an immediate "I!" That resounded throughout the group. "Awesome. Let's split into defense and offense. Each cohort, decide everyone's jobs. Hazel and I'll be checking in with you in about fifteen minutes. The game starts in a half-hour!" Frank said.

He stepped down from the rock which he, Jason, and Hazel had been standing and helped his friends down. Jason clapped Frank's shoulder and said "You're a born leader."

Frank smiled at him and said "You learn from the best." Jason smirked in response. "Let's split up and check in on everyone." Hazel said.

"Meet back here in ten?" Jason asked. Frank and Hazel nodded as they departed to check in on the groups.

Soon enough, the three of them met back where hey originally stood and discussed each group's assignments.

"Sounds good." Jason said. "I'm gonna miss you guys." He then said. "We'll miss you, too. But don't forget about the new Camp that the gods discussed." Frank said.

"I wouldn't count on it. They aren't very reliable." Jason said. "Hopefully they'll pull through." Hazel said encouragingly.

"Let's get this game on. We are so gonna win." Jason said. The three of them stood on the rock again. "The battle is to begin in three minutes! Is everyone ready?!" Frank announced. The Romans cheered in approval. "Romanis, parare victoriam Graeci!" Hazel shouted.

They cheered louder as they clanged their swords and shields together.

The horn blared and Jason, Hazel, and Frank charged into battle.

Frank, Jason and Hazel swerved around all of their opponents and the trees that blocked their way.

Jason shouted "This way!"

The three of them hid behind a large bolder. "This is called Zeus's fist. I think that this is where the blue team is hiding their flag." Jason whispered.

"Okay, how are we going to do this?" Frank asked.

"I'll jump in and distract them, Jason takes people from the other side whilst you grab the flag and fly it back to the Roman side." Hazel said. "Good idea, I'll go to the other side now. On my mark, go." Jason said. They nodded and sat in anticipation.

"These games are much more fun than the Roman war games." Hazel whispered.

Frank smirked and whispered in reply "I know." Hazel giggled, but had to quiet herself down.

Frank looked above the bushes for Jason's signal. The leaves shook with a huge amount of wind. Frank can deduce that that is their sign. "Go!" Hazel said.

They ran into he clearing, weapons readied, only to find absolutely nothing.

The three of them stood there with looks of confusion on their faces.

"I could have sworn that I heard a group of people here just a second ago." Frank said.

"Did we just fall for a trap?" Hazel asked. Fourteen girls with bows and arrows hoped down from the trees with their weapons ready.

"I believe that you did." Reyna said with a smirk.

"Oh, come on Rey-" Jason started. Phoebe gaged his mouth and said "You are the enemy, and we have captured you." Phoebe said.

Jason ripped the gag off and asked "Thalia, wait-what are you doing here?"

"I was being controlled by Gaea. I was trapped in my own body with no control, yet it wasn't possession. I seriously hate that pain in the podex." Thalia said.

"I'm glad to hear that you hadn't actually changed sides. I was rather appalled when you made your initial announcement anyways." Hazel said. "I'm glad to hear it." Thalia smirked.

"What do you suppose we do with the prisoners?" Phoebe said. "Oh come on, Phoebe, don't take this too seriously. It's just a game." Thalia said.

"Hold 'em here for twenty." Thalia said with a smirk.

She grabbed Reyna's arm and they both climbed the trees together. Jason plopped down and Hazel did so beside him.

Frank sat beside his girlfriend and pecked her cheek. He got a disapproving grunt from the Hunters as he did so. "Oh boo-hoo. She's my girlfriend, get over it." Frank said.

Hazel smirked at his outburst.

He truly, genuinely loved her. He loved her smile, her laugh, her-her everything. He can't even begin to list it all or else he would be here all day.

His absolute favorite thing about her was her eyes. They were so strong and beautiful and reassuring. Hazel was the most beautiful girl that he had ever laid eyes on.

He had to tell her that he loved her. Frank was just worried that she wouldn't say it back.

He would ask Percy about this later.

"How much longer?" Jason asked. "Fifteen." Jessica said.

"Well, make it two and I'll give you thirty drachma." Jason said.

"Thirty each, and then we have a deal." Jessica said with a smirk.

"Um, Jason, considering you don't have 420 drachmas on you right now, I would just wait out the fifteen." Frank whispered.

Jason gave him a breathy laugh. "Hold on tight." He whispered. "Once we are in he air, Frank, change into a dragon to hold us. We can have an overhead view of the battle and see he flag." Jason said.

Frank nodded. Jason then said "!"

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