Chapter 18: Hazel

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The Hunter's and the seven scrambled upstairs to see what monster had come to their ship this time.

They were faced with griffins, cyclopses, and hellhounds. How did Hazel know this whilst being blind? They all smelled. There was one odor that smelled unlike the others, though...

"Mormo?" Annabeth asked.

Hazel remebered the story of Mormo. She bit bad children and was told by Greek nurses to keep children from misbehaving. It was thought of as a myth, but here she was in the flesh. "Attack!" The monster hissed.

All of the monster's attacked. There must have been at least thirty, but having the Hunter's here equaled it out a little bit. The hellhound a were defeated in a matter of seconds by the Hunters and Frank with their bows and arrows. The cyclopes were harder to fight, though. Thalia struck two with lightning. Hazel slashed through another one. She was having difficulty adjusting to her new disability.

Piper and Annabeth simultaneously stabbed another, one on the right the other on the left. Frank turned into a bear and clawed at another, turning it to dust. Percy used a wave to take out three more. Another six were taken out by the Hunter's. Leo smashed one in the head with his hammer and Jason beheaded the last one.

Mormo was frustrated now, so she tackled Hazel to the ground. Her sword skittered to the opposite side of the deck. "HAZEL!" Frank yelled. Mormo and Hazel wrestled for what felt like forever. Hazel wasn't good at hand-to-hand combat, especially since she lost her sight. Mormo sliced at Hazel's face and missed by centimeters.

Mormo managed to graze Hazel's right shoulder, though, and Hazel bellowed in pain. Mormo disintegrated right on top of her. Someone stood in front of Hazel and helped her to her feet.

"Thanks," Hazel said. Percy replied with "No problem" and left to help the others fight the griffins. They sliced and jabbed and shot arrows at them until there was only two left. They were huge; bigger than the others by far. One of the Hunter's shot an arrow through one of the griffins's eyes and it erupted into dust. "Nice shot, Hannah." Thalia said.

The last griffin took off, grabing somebody in the process. Who, Hazel had no idea. "FRANK!" Percy screamed. Her boyfriend was not getting taken. Not if she could do something about it. Somebody, probably Jason, flew into the air and sliced through the griffin. Hazel really wished she could see what was happening.

"JASON!" Thalia and Piper screamed simultaneously, fear etching itself into that one word. "What's happening?!" Hazel asked worriedly. "Jason's falling!" Leo yelled back quickly. He was falling? The son of the sky god was falling through the air, his own domain. That was almost as terrifying as if Percy  were to drown.

Jason fell towards the water, Hazel knew that much. If he was falling towards the ship, everybody would have ran around and tried to catch him. Percy ran to the side of the ship along with the other's, probably trying to cushion the fall as best he could, but you could still hear a bone-crushing splat! when he hit the water. Percy brought Jason back onto the deck gently. Thalia and the rest of the seven gathered around Jason and Percy. Percy reached down and seemed to be checking for a pulse. He exhaled in relief.

"It's faint, but its there." Percy said. Two people brought Jason downstairs. The Hunter's and the rest of the seven followed them. Frank helped lead her downstairs. Hazel really appreciated Frank helping her so much with her new disability, but it could get annoying at times.

Jason was laid down on a bed. Someone turned around and said "Here, let me fix your shoulder. Hazel, wasn't it?" It sounded like that Phoebe girl.

Hazel nodded and sat down. Phoebe cleaned up her cut and wrapped it in bandages. Hazel didn't even feel it. She really wished she could acually see what they all looked like.

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