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*Ace's POV*

I feel like everything I was told yesterday was a lie. It's true, I'm allowed to wear my own clothes as long as they don't have designs on them that could trigger other patients. I'm only allowed to have my phone for an hour after lunch and that's it. They monitor everything I do, they watch me eat, they go to the bathroom with me. Just everything. I'm on my way meet with my therapist for the first time right now. Hopefully I don't hate their guts, because this will be a long stay if so.

"Hi, Ace?" The woman sitting behind the desk asks as I walk in. She is an older lady, probably in her late forties, early fifties. She smiles revealing wrinkles that give me an estimate of her age.

"Yeah." I shoot a quick smile and sit in her chair without hesitating. I just can't wait to leave this place already.

"Nice to meet you." She reaches over her desk to shake my hand. Good, she is treating me like a human being.

"Nice to meet you to. I assume I'll be seeing a lot of you." I smile.

"That is true, I'm Doctor Reynolds." She smiles as she looks through some paperwork on her desk. "So, please tell me about yourself."

"Hmmm where do I start?"

"You can start by telling me about your family, tell me about growing up."

"Okay, so I was really close with my family throughout my childhood. When I was fifteen I was scouted out to model while I was on a family trip. My mom immediately agreed and I didn't really understand the situation so I went with it." I sigh thinking of the next part. "I began traveling all over the place doing shoot after shoot and I lost my relationship with my family. I got in and out of a couple private relationships that never lasted long enough to be serious. Then I met this girl who I fell head over hills for. I was outed by the media and that's how my family found out. They didn't give me much of a chance and now if I'm lucky I get one phone call a year, on my birthday." Dr. Reynolds nods as she scribbles in her notebook. "Sorry, I didn't mean to tell you my entire life story."

"That's exactly what I wanted you to do." She smiles. "Did losing your family hurt you?"

"Of coarse. I think about it everyday and wish I would have said no to that man in a tan suit."

"I think I know the center of your issues. We are going to work this out, you just have to be willing to."

"I'm more than willing. I want to be better so I can go live a happy life. So that maybe Liz will give me a better chance. You know I wouldn't be here without her. I'd probably be dead if I was never assigned to that shoot."

"So tell me about this Liz." Reynolds writes a few things in her notes and waits for me to begin.

"So I thought I would be photographing this beach shoot with Lana Del Rey, right?" She nods. "I was so excited, and I hadn't been excited for anything in a long time. But I got there and they were confused as to why I brought my equipment. Turns out I was supposed to help pose and dress Lana, not photograph her. Which was disappointing, but I was still happy I got to be there. I got talking to Lana and after the shoot I walked down the empty pier and looked over the edge fighting myself not to jump off. I didn't realize that Lana had followed me. She stood behind me and observed with out me knowing. I was looking of the edge watching my tears fall into the ocean. And out of nowhere she says "it's beautiful, isn't it?" It scared me and I quickly wiped the tears away. She made me forget about my previous thoughts of dying. She made me want to live." I look down and quickly wipe away tears that are falling quickly.

"I understand she has become quite important to you?" She asks. All I can do is nod my head.


I climb into the uncomfortable bed they provided me inside my new room. I've realized the only things different staying here is that my life is scheduled and I've actually been eating. But something still feels off, I feel internally alone. Something I used to constantly feel and I haven't felt it in the past while until now. Something is missing.

*Lana's POV*

I've only known Ace for a little over a month now and I already feel so alone without her around. Her apartment is cold and quiet, it almost feels abandoned. Sadly I can't visit or call her until next week. They want her to settle in before we bring in things from the outside.

I cleaned the entire apartment out of boredom and began to move myself into her guest bedroom.  This really is the cutest place, it fits Ace's personality. It's very modern and earthy on the inside. The upstairs is more of a loft, that's where her bedroom and bathroom are. It has a large kitchen and dining room. There is plenty of space to host parties. No wonder Ace told me her friends were only around to take advantage of the things she owns.

I wonder how she is doing, I want her to tell me all about her first day and what she thinks about the place. I need to know if she hates it so I can get her out of there. Or I need to know if she loves it, so I can let her have a proper stay so she can heal. But maybe she is indifferent, which is most likely because it hasn't even been twenty-four hours.

I haven't been this bored in a long time. I pulled my notebook out and sat down to write, unfortunately I have major writers block. All I can think about is Ace.

I stare at the corner of the room where she keeps all of her art and supplies. I haven't gone through it yet, and she hasn't shown me any of it. I start pulling boards out and laying them in the floor. I notice most of the paintings are only half finished. I tried to convince myself that was what she was going for, but I just can't. There's so much you can learn from someone by their art. She had continuously given up and forgotten about her projects. This shows me something I needed to see. I now know so much more about that beautiful girl.

~~~ A quick update on how they feel about the separation. Please share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment or messaging me :) Thanks for reading!~~~

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