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*Ace's POV*

I'm at another photo shoot for something I don't really care about. I honestly feel like I'm going to pass out, I haven't eaten in days. I've been modeling since I was fifteen years old. The people in this business tear you apart. They point out every little flaw then they try to build you up again. I was told I was too 'fat' once, I've never been the same. I suffer with anorexia and bulimia now. Nobody knows because I have no one who is close to me. Yeah, I have friends, I go out and party. But they only care about me because I'm rich and I guess 'famous'.

Lately I've tried to get out of modeling and mostly just photography. I work for a magazine doing photography, but every once and a while I have to model and do other things. I get to do a shoot with Lana Del Rey tomorrow, I'm actually looking forward to something for once. Every night I go home to my apartment and blast Lana Del Rey and get waisted to erase all the pain. That's where I find joy in my shitty, lonely life.

"Stop! Stop everything!" The photographer yells. "You look sick and lost. Are you alright?" He asks like he cares.

I shake my head and whisper, "Like you care?"

"Ace, I do care! I've been working with you for years." He says. "take a break. Someone get her something to drink and something to eat." They set me in a chair. I stare at myself in the mirror and notice how bad I'm starting to look. Why does this have to destroy my life?

A lady brings me a muffin and a latte from Starbucks. I sip on the drink and pick at the muffin putting tiny pieces in my mouth. I have to eat, I'm going to finish the whole thing, it won't hurt me. I finish the latte and the muffin and get back to the shoot. When it's over I drive myself home.

*next day*

"Okay, Ace you are in charge of dressing and posing her." The photographer/ shoot director tells me.

I originally thought I would be the photographer, but I'm happier with this job because I get to be hands on with Lana. Today the shoot is on the beach so I take Lana into the dressing tent to change her clothes.

I start looking through the rack of clothes. "Is there anything you would like to wear?" I ask her with two outfits in my hands. She pints to the one in my right hand. She strip out if her denim shorts and T shirt right in front of me, I don't have a problem with that. Lana is hot.

"So you've modeled your whole life and now you're doing this?" Lana asks kindly.

"Yeah, with modeling you deal with a lot of assholes. They tell everything that can possibly be wrong with you. I want to be that person to bring people up when they do photo shoots." I explain.

"That's a good reason." She says and smiles. Her voice is honestly the sweetest. I position the clothing perfectly and fix her hair.

"You're beautiful, Lana." I tell her as we walk out of the tent.

"You are too." She says and I get butterflies in my stomach. I get told that all the time and I never feel like it means anything, but coming from her she did mean it.

After many poses and outfits the shoot is almost over. "Be in a picture with me!" Lana says and drags me over. She makes them take a couple of the two of us. After that she gets her clothes back on.

I walk down the pier and pull out a cigarette, I don't smoke a lot, just when I need it. I look over the edge and down at the water. Why can't I just jump and be done with life?

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I look over to see lana standing next to me. "you got a lighter?" She asks. I pull it out and light the joint between her lips. I let my cigarette drop into the ocean, I don't need it anymore.

"It is beautiful, I just wish I could enjoy it." I say and throw both the box of cigarettes and the lighter into the water.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"It just makes me want to die. Everything does." I answer truthfully.

"I know exactly how you feel babe." She says.

"You do?" I didn't know anyone as perfect as her could feel the way I do.

"I do."

It stays silent and all I can hear is the sound of the waves hitting the beach. I let myself cry silently, I watch as my tears fall into the ocean.

Lana wraps her arms around me. "You need someone to comfort you, don't you?" She asks still hugging me from behind. I nod my head. I feel so vulnerable around her, no one has ever reached out to me like she has. I feel like she actually cares. "Well I do too. How about we be there for eachother?" She suggests and I agree. I need someone now more than ever...

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