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^What I imagine Ace to look like^

*Ace's POV*

Lana took me out that night, you know, just as friends. It was nice. For a while she actually made me forget about all the shit I'm going through. We walked down the beach and just talked for hours. We told each other a lot about ourselves. But there is still much more to share and to find out.

I wake up and grab my phone from under my pillow. I look at the time and notice a new message from Lana.

- Good morning beautiful. Always remember you're worth it... And we should hang today. - Lana

- You're sweet. And yes, we should. - Ace

- Let's do something fun. But can I come over to your place first? - Lana

- Sure, what time? -Ace

- Well, I'm already here. - Lana

I get up and walk down the hall. I open the front door and there's Lana, sitting across the hall in front of my door.

"What'd you do? Sleep there?" I ask her. She shakes her head and stands up.

"I just slept in my car after I walked you up here. I didn't want to go home."

"Why didn't you just ask to sleep over? and why didn't you want to go home?" I ask as we walk into my apartment. I sit on the couch and she joins me.

"Actually I did go home..."

*Lana's POV*

Last night after I took Ace home I drove home happy. She was so much fun to be around. I can tell she is going through a lot and I could just see that she needs me. She needs someone to show her what true love is. I can do that, I can love her. I want to love her. but I was already with some one.

So anyway. I got home and I was overloaded with questions from my boyfriend. I answered everything honestly and he still got mad at me and tried to force me to do things I didn't want to do, especially not with him. He never made me feel loved, or even wanted. And I wanted Ace. So I told him we are over, I grabbed as many of my things as I could and left. I slept in my car in the car park of Ace's apartment building. I walked up here this morning and sat in front of her door until she answered my text.

I told her everything, well almost everything. I didn't mention that this has been going on for the last year.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" She asks and grabs my arm gently, but I still flinch.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm actually better now." I say and smile at her.

"The way you just reacted, that's not okay." She looks at me with sorry eyes. "This has been going on for a while, hasn't it?"

She reads me like a children's book. Is it that obvious. I nod my head and avoid eye contact.

"So tell me your story. I hear it in your music, but it's vague. I wanna know about you." She says sincerely.

I start summarizing my life story to her, from my childhood until now.

"So yeah, I've basically been treated wrongly by men my entire life..." I finish.

"Well maybe you should try girls." she says and immediately goes wide eyed and covers her mouth. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say that, it just came out.. I'm so sorry." she rambles.

"Hey, it's alright. You do have a point." I laugh.

"No, I shouldn't have said that."

"Don't beat yourself up. Its no big deal. Really Ace." I smile at her. "Come on, let's go out." I say and stand up.

"Well can I get dressed?" She asks.

"Oh yeah!" I giggle.

She runs across the apartment and into her bedroom. I sit back down on her couch and just take a look around the apartment.

*Ace's POV*

I pull open my closet door and start going through all my clothes. I grab a white t-shirt, black leather pants and a red plaid flannel button up. I quickly change then go into my bathroom.

I go over yesterday's leftover makeup and clean it up. I throw my hair up into a top knot. And lastly I put some perfume on. I grab my back pack with my wallet and everything else in it and walk out of my bedroom.

"Lana, you ready?" I ask hurried. I need to chill, we aren't in a hurry.

"Yeah." she smiles at me.

I follow her out of my apartment and lock the door behind us.

I offer to drive and we get into my car.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"I don't know.. wherever." she says.

"Umm, do you want to go get coffee?"

"Yeah. Sure." she smiles.

I drive a small distance to my favorite coffee shop.


I sit across from Lana. I smile at her then take another sip of my hot latte. Her phone begins vibrating on the table. We both look down at it.

She picks it up and looks at it. "It's an unknown number, should I answer?" She asks me.

"I never answer to unknown numbers, if it's important they will leave a message." I answer.

"Okay." She says and sets her phone back down on the glass table. "Oh, they left a message." She picks her phone back up. She puts it to her ear to listen.

She smiles at me so I smile back. Her expression immediately changes to a scared and worried expression. My smile drops and I wait for her to put her phone down.

"What is it?" I ask immediately after she takes the phone away from her ear.

"He told the police I was missing. They're looking for me." She says. Her face has gone pale, her rosy cheeks now white. Her glimmering green eyes have lost their glow. He must have really hurt her...

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