Ch 4. Bitch-B-Gone

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    "Tara?" I called out in the echoing room. I heard sniffles coming from the end stall. I opened it to see a sad tara curled up on the floor against the wall. "I know what happened, Im sorry that he did that babe." She was just crying and shaking. "Dont worried he got double the pain in the nose for it." She stopped shaking and looked up at me.

"You punched him for me?" she asked in a shaking voice. 

"Yeah but luckly I was pulled away from him or it would have been worse than what that other guy did to him." She gave me a weird look.

"Other guy?"She asked. I smiled a bit.

"Yeah I walked into the school to see James on the ground with a bloody nose and that Alec guy standing over him." A smile widened across her face.

"Alec punched James?" It was more a statement than a question. 

"Come on lovely lets get you cleaned up" I said handing her a tissue. "So this Alec guy seems pretty cool." I said helping her to her feet. We spent 1st hour in the bathroom getting her nerves calmed before leaving the bathroom. She went to her group and I went to my Eva. 

"Hey bitch where have you been you made me suffer 1st period alone, And Mr Krumpy was a grumpy today." Eva greeted me by my locker. 

"Tara need my help." I simply explained. I looked up to Eva then all of a sudden beep beep. I looked to my phone and see a message from R.

'Hey, Do angels ever come to earth and in habit humans as vessels or is that just in movies?? -R' I smiled into the message.

'Angels in habiting humans?? How much Supernatural have you been watching?? -L' I text back. Eva then slaps the back of my head. 

"Earth to Lilith, You can talk about supernatural some other time we need to get to cass." She joked using supernatural puns. Just then I heard a loud bang, Me and Eva both looked up to see Shawn on the ground. I noticed he had a look of shock plastered on his face. 

"Are you okay?" I asked quickly walking to him and helping him up.

"Y-yeah i-i-im fine" he stuttered before walking off rather quickly. 

"hmp that was weird." Eva said walking up beside me.

"Yeah no kidding." beep beep. R messaged me

'I not addicted to it! o.O who ever said I was??? hehe -R' The message made laugh out loud. 

'Maybe, you are just alittle bit and ur also insane. -L' I texted back before hurrying off.

_________________________Tara's POV_________________________

My friends were chatting at the lunch table, I still fuming about james and jen when someone sat down, they all stopped talking. I looked up from my food to see a grinning Alec.

"Mind if I pull you away from your" He paused and looked to the group. "Friends?" he continued. The corner of my mouth raised. I stood and followed him into the hall. 

"Im sorry about that ass you deserve better than that." he said once we were away from every one.

"Its ok" I said with my eyes glued to his.

"If theres anything that I can do dont forget Ive never stopped being your friend tara.." He said grinning and with that he walked off.

___________________________ Lilith's POV________________________________

"So why again cant you come kill zombies with me and save the world? oh yeah I forgot your to busy texting your virtual stalked, which you have never met." Eva raged as I demonically devoured my noodles. Just then Tara appeared out of nowhere and yanked me out of the cafeteria. She drug me into and empty class room and sat me down.

"What are we doing here?" I asked confused. A bunch of ideas ran through my head, but none that were human. Tara just looked at me and blushed. and bing a light bulb went off in my head.

"OH MY GAWD YOU LIKE ALEC!" I yell whispered. She just turned more blushing red. Then a thought crossed my mind. "Why did you tell me, you usually tell jen only" I said quickly. I watched as her face turned to hatred. then my mind flew to this mornings incident. James was in that closet with jen. I said to myself.

"Oh babe, Im sorry that bitch did that to you." I stood up and hugged her tightly. "Come on, you can eat lunch with me and Eva today." I said grabbing her by the hand and leading her back into the cafeteria. We got several confused looks once we entered the room, that because me and tara are complete opposites and are never seen with each other. In fact most dont even know were sisters. Eva smiled when me and tara sat down at our table. Eva and tara started talking but I zoned out. My mind wandered.

"Well look at this, tara finally showing her true colors." A familiar high pitched voice snapped me back to reality. I looked up to see Jen smirking standing over our table. "Should of known you had a soft side for nothings." My jaw tightened, everyone in the room was now staring now. out the corner of my eye I could see tara about to burst into tears. I quickly stood up and was now eye level with jen. I gaized deeply into her grey eyes.

"How does it feel being someones leftovers jen?" I spat angerly. An just like a bar of soap in prison Her jaw dropped. "You probbly can still taste the siliva from tara, all over your mouth cant you? Leave Tara alone jen shes not some clone like you." I continued. I could tell she was getting mad by the shade of red she was turning.

"and whats she to you?! Your just a stupid shadow thats never spoken to her in your entire life. What makes any of this your business?!" she spat back. I rolled my eyes and socked her dead in her face. She tumbled to the ground and held her nose."YOU BITCH!" She snared.

"I wanted to do that for so long now, And next time you even think about hurting my SISTER, im gonna make your life a living hell." I spat. The whole cafeteria gasped, not because I punched jen. The were all in shocked that me and Tara are sisters. It only took a moment for a staff to drag me off. But I was able to see tara mouth 'Thank you'.

'DETENTION' was written on the black board in thick white chalk. a measely 10 detentions was all I got after I explained to the principle why I punched jen. Oh and she got kicked out for awhole 3 months for having sex in the janitors closet, and as for james he was expelled and had to transfer schools. Turns out he had a rep that was so big the school got tired of him finally. I sat in a room with only three other people, the teacher was asleep and the other two were two guys that look like they were gonna kill someone. I pulled out my phone and seen a text from an unknown number.

'Hey, Its alec, dont ask how I got your number im not telling you. But I wanted to thank you for standing up to jen for tara. I would of but I cant hit a girl, sadly i was weighing my options on hitting her, you just beat me to it.' I smiled at the text. This Alec sure seems to like tara alot. I wonder why she never mentioned him before. Beep Beep, My phone buzzed. I looked at it again. It was R

'Hey you, so ive narrowed the schools down in this district since we both know we live in the same county. Do you go to Lakeveiw or Monroe?' My heart skipped a beat when I read the word lakeveiw. He was guessing where I go to school at so he could try to guess who I was. I quickly text back.

'What school do you go to?' I asked. With in seconds he responded.

'Lakeveiw' And with that I died.


Pic of Alec up above <3

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