Ch 3. Close Friends

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Tara turned the keys shutting the car off.

"So what do you think of james" she mumbles.

I let out a sigh. "He seems decent right now though just remember hes a player and you shouldn't be his game." I said as I got out of the car.

"So thats it your not even gonna give him a chance based on the rumors of the school?" her words made me stop. I stood there in the front door way. "He may not even be like that, Out of anyone I know I figured that YOU wouldn't believe all the rumors that are floating around the school. Give him a chance Lil. He might not be the person you think he is." I turned to face her.

"Just be careful." I said before going into the house and up to my room.

____________________ Taras POV________________________

"Just be careful." She said before dispersing inside. I never understood the way she thinks. She refused to explain it to me. How could she not like james? shes only met him once. I huffed as I walked into the house. I paused as I noticed her phone on the floor. Being the good sister I am I should return it to her... hmm well after I snoop on it first. I turned it on, Of corse she would have a pattern pass-code on it. I rolled my eyes and drew a L for Lilith. Bing it unlocked. The first thing I noticed was a message.

"Hey L, Do you think were alone in this universe or do u believe theres more beings out there like us? -R"

"Shut up lol, we cant be alone thats not possible. -L"

"thats good because it would be sad if we were the last beings alive. -R"

"L, Do you believe in love? -R"

"No. not really. -L"

"Why not? -R"

"Well love doesn't exist. we made it up so that life would be more simple for us to understand. -L"

"Well thats to bad love can be a great thing. -R"

"Hey L, -R"

"Hey, are u ok? -R"

"L where did you go? -R"

"Hey R, Im sorry something happen last night. I cant talk about it but im ok now Ill message you later. -L"

The messages were dated for around the time we left blasters. Who was this unknown R and how does he or she know Lilith? My sister was very closed about her life, but I guess I never really knew how closed. I crept up the stairs to Lil's room to see her passed out on the bed. I quickly took the chance to sneak out of the house. Clenching her phone in my hand I drove out to an old friends house. I know I dont have any right to snoop in Lil's things but I want to know more about the girl whos my other half. She was my twin for the love of cheese balls, we may be twins but be hardly talk.

After several knocks on the door it finally opened. A guy stood before me. He was shirtless with a rocking hot body and he was in dark blue jeans that fit him very well. He had dark brown hair that was perfect on him.

"Alec" I mumbled. The last time I seen him he was chunky and had glasses. how hes wow I think im drooling, oh shit tara close ur mouth before he see's. I mentally yelled at myself.

"Tara? holly shit what are you doing here, its been like what five years?" he said half surprised, half tired.

"Yeah, Alec do you still do computer programming?" I asked fighting with my eyes to keep them off his perfect body.

"Yeah, why?" he said stepping aside gesturing for me to come in. We all have our one love that got away, well mine was alec. He didnt know how much I liked him, he was my best friend, but then I changed into who ever I am now, its pathetic I dont even know my own self anymore. Alec and I grew apart once I started hanging around Jennifer my best friend.

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