Ch 6. Mystery

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We stood there for what seemed like hours before he spoke.

"Lilith, Your my mystery girl?" He said in a near whisper. This was Shawn freaking Ryder standing before me and this whole time I thought I had been talking to a shadow like me. My eyes were still glued to his.

"Im sorry im not someone you were hoping for." I said walking past him. My arm was snagged back and he pulled me into him, with our faces mere inches apart. He leaned in and just as his lips were about to touch mine I put my hand in between our lips. My eyes fluttered from our lips to his eyes.

"I fell in love with my childhood crush from grade school, she was my best friend. We grew apart once we reached high school. Then I fell for this amazing girl who I met through texting. who lit my world up and showed me that love that I thought I lost forever." He paused and smiled a soft and breath taking smile. "It turns out their the same girl." He whispered, and with that he pulled my hand into his and our lips met. My whole body exploded. I felt myself melt into him and my heart went into hyper drive. After several minutes we pulled apart. "Im so glad your L" He whispered as I layed my head on his chest.

"I always thought you were like them" I mumbled he leaned back and I looked into his eyes.

"Like who?" he asked softly.

"James and jen"He just looked at me. 

"Never, have you met them?" he said taking my hand as we walked back to the house. By the time we got back most of the party goers  have left with the exception of the few on their way out. Inside alec was sitting on the couch with tara streached out on it, her head resting on alec's lap, both were passed out. Ravin must have gone home because I didnt see her at all. I sat down in front of the couch with shawn next to me and we both ended up passing out also. 

'Click, Click, Click, Click'

"Shit damn lighting"

'Click, Click'

"Hehe, look at this one" A voice whispered.

"Thats GOLD" Another voice chimed in. Slowly I opened my eyes to see Alec and a Tara standing over me with a camera phone pointed in my face. Shit this girl is dead. Just as I was about to pounce at her and break the phone I was pulled tightly back against something hard, and warm. I look down to see an arm around my waste and me laying on a shawn. 

"Tara DELETE THEM OR ILL KILL YOU!!!" I whispered the threat, she just giggled and ran off pulling alec with her. I turn my attention  back to shawn. 

"Pst. shawn." I say shaking him a bit. No response. I shake him some more, until his eyes suddenly pop open. He takes a moment to render where he was then looks to me and smile.

"Hey your beautiful," And just like that I turn tomato red with blush. 

"S-Shut up, what time is it?" I stutter out forcing his arm off me as I stood up. I helped him to his feet. He glanced to the couch realizing alec and tara were no longer there.

"Its two am. Where did the love birds go?" he says as he streaches his arms over his head. His shirt tuggs up exposing his breath taking abs.

"L-Love birds?" I say with my eyes still glued to his stomach.

"Yeah Tara and Alec" 

"Oh they took off once they took pictures of us sleeping." His eyes grew wide as he registered the words I said. 

"They what?!" Just then he mad dashed through the house into the kitchen where tara and alec were making food. "You better delete every pic you took." He warned to alec when we entered the kitchen.

"Aw but come on your adorable sleeping like that together." Tara cried.

"Delete it or you will not get your diary back when we get home." I threatened tara. Her eyes grew wide. 

"Ive been looking everywhere for it you ass" She chuckled. Shawn hopped up on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"You two live together?" He asked confused. Guess he didnt hear about the lunch indecent.

"Yeah duh" Tara spoke before I could. "Thats what happens when you have a sibbling, ya live together." She said sarcastically. I just laughed.

"Wait your sisters?" Shawn sputtered out. He looked confused.

"Twins" I chimed in.

"Damn shawn, you really are behind on current gossip. It was announced in the cafeteria when Lilith here socked Jen in the nose job." Alec said in a deep tone. I chuckled at the fact that he said what I said earlier to ravin about the nose job. Shawn gave me an impressed look.

"Well you learn something new everyday." Shawn said before shoving a piece of toast in his mouth.

"Lilith, can we talk about that guy you've been texting?" Tara said handing me some toast. Me and shawn exchanged glances.

"Suurreee whats up." I said avoiding her eye contact.

"Well I wanted to tell you how I found out." she paused and looked to alec. "Well I stole your phone and read your messages and being the sister I am I took it to the only person I could think of which was alec to try and figure out who your mystery guy was and he couldnt for some reason, I know I shouldnt have snooped and im sorry please forgive me?" She rushed out all in one breath. I paused and laughed trying to keep a straight face.

"Dont worry your forgiven." I said " And-"

"What if the phone has a hackers protection on it alec, could that be why you wernt able to find the guy?" Shawn interrupted. Alec was silent as he started to think. 

"Well, the only way I see that possable is if I have ever placed it on that phone because I can hack anything and I can make strong Hacker free-" Just then he stopped and staired at shawn with his jaw on the floor.

"Close your mouth you might catch flys. Its getting late so im gonna head home. Wanna walk me out love?" Shawn asks as he kissed me on the cheek and pulling me out of the kitchen with him in silent. As soon as we step through the front door I hear Tara

"HOLY HELL!" Her yell echos through the house as she runs to me nearly knocking me down on the concrete side walk. "Shawn Ryder Is your Mystery guy?!" I just smile and she excepts the answer by pulling me into a deadly hug. "Oh my god Im so happy for you!" She squealed. Once she let go I said good bye to shawn and turned back to tara.

"Imma walk home babe. I need to get some air anyways." I said hugging her.

"Okay be careful" She said and went back inside. Wow me and Shawn Ryder, I couldn't quite grasp the breath taking occurrence that just happend. I guess its just fate? I smiled at the word that I never use to believe in. Fate, Shawn Ryder made me believe in fa- and then

Lost in complete



Yay I hated the end but yay The gif Is shawn,might I add he is one SEXY mmmmh <3

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