Ch 5. The Party

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My hands trembled as I sat there dazing off in detention. My heart pounded loudly, my mystery guy has been here this whole time. I looked over to the two guys who were now asleep. He couldn't be either of them, could he? Finally detention ended and I bolted for the door. People clustered the hallway, my eyes shot to everyone that walked by with only one thought in mind, who was R? 

"Lil!" Eva yelled My heart flew out of my chest and my bag flew out of my hands scattering papers everywhere. Ugh that girl needs a tranquilizer or seven.

"Whats up Eva?" I asked bending down to pick up the papers.

"Tara already went home and Gotta suprise for you!" She spat out as she flopped down beside me and rushingly grabbed the papers throwing them in my bag. She then yanked me by the hand all the way to the, principles office? Then I realized why she hostilly took me here. On a chair in his office I seen her. 

"Lilith!!" She shreaked as she stepped out of the office moments later. My eyes fell upon the blue eyed blonde and I immediately knew, Run! I turned the other way and darted as fast as I could down the hall with her not far on my tale, I was after all always slower than this bitch. She tackled me and we both fell to the floor laughing. Who was she you may ask, well she's the reason im so weird. She is my cousin, Ravin. We burst into laughter while rolling around on the floor. The people that were still leaving the school gave us weird looks but neither of us minded it at all.

"Geez!" Eva huffed as she finally caught up to us. "You know I hate running" She said glaring at me. I just rolled my eyes and smiled. Then I turned my attention back to Ravin.

"What are you doing here anyways?" I asked as I noticed the bag at her side. She grinned widely.

"I started after noon today, and we had last period together but I didnt see u there." She said walking to a locker and opening it. 

"I was in detention." She shoved her bag inside and her grin turned into a smirk.

"That sounds like my brat" 

"Fuck you, ass hat." I said as we started towards the exit. " I have you know, I was only in there because I punched some bitches new nose job in during lunch" She started to laugh, then a serious look washed over her.

"We need to celebrate this, my little brats all grown up and beating her barbies up now, Im so proud!" She as we left school. "How about we go to a party tonight." She suggested.

"Cant" Eva chimed in. "I gotta date with destiny tonight and thats the videogame by the way." She added with a wink. Ravin turned to me.

"Come one how bout it? You never go to parties and I needs my best'est cousin with me." She begged with her innocent face.

"There isnt even any parties tonight though" I whined. 

"Yes there is, I got invited to one and was told to bring a friend. Please you must go I dont know anyone thats gonna be there." She whined back.

"How did you get invited to a party?! You havent even been here a day yet." I pointed out.

"Turns out people here just know im pretty, they havent yet discovered that im psyco." She explained. After a few glares and childish arguments she finally got me to agree and moments later we pulled up to a nice size house full of people dancing and loud music. Great, just great. Beep Beep. I looked to my phone.

'Hey lovely,sorry I never texted back. My best friend is hosting a party at his place tonight and Im forced to attend and be social.-R'

 I looked from the text and up to the house. Oh shit, It cant be the same party can it? I gulped down the lump in my throught and looked to Ravin who was texting. 

"Why are we 'Oh shiting'?" she asked not even looking up. I blinked at her realizing I said that part out loud. I ignored her and made my way inside glancing to every body in there. I was the only shadow I could see. I let out a sigh of relief, then Beep Beep. I glanced down at my phone and seen a message from a unknown contact. I hesitantly opened it.

'Hey L, I really wish you were here with me -R' 

I gazed at the message breathless. Just then someone grabbed my arm making me jump out of my skin. I swung around to see Tara smiling at me. 

"Come on!" She said pulling me into a new room with only twelve other people Shawn Ryder and Alec being two of them and Ravin was also in here. I walked clear across the room and sat next to ravin confused.

"Whats going on?" I whispered in her ear. She grinned her signature grin and leaned to my ear.

"Truth, dare or seven minutes in heaven" She explained. I furrowed my brows. 

"That doesn't make any-" I began then tara cut me off

"Okay everyone, the rules are simple. Spin the bottle and pick one. The options are Truth or dare and If you choose Nether of those you have to pick seven minutes in heaven where then you pick from one of these bags which has everyone's name is in. One bag has only boy names in it and the other has girl names." Tara explained then gazed at me. I gulped.

"How about you start, Lil." she said. "Truth or Dare." 

"W-werent you spose to spin the bottle?" I stuttered out in a whisper.

"Nope house rules, first player is chosen by the house." She said with a wink. 

"Fine truth." I spat. Her grin widened. 

"Spin the bottle to see who will ask you your truth." I leaned forward and spun it. Luckily it landed on someone I knew. Alec. then my heart skipped a beat when he exchanged grins with tara, before looking back to me. 

"Hm," He hummed out loud. "Lilith, Is it true that you have been talking to someone via text for years now and never met them yet?" And que the funeral. My mouth dropped and my heart nearly exploaded. I glared up to tara.

"Y-you must have told him, how did you f-find out?!" I stuttered most of it out of my mouth. She just offered me a wink. 

"On to the next person. Lil do the honors and spin the bottle choosing the next victim." I closed my mouth and aggressively spun the bottle. We went on for a while luckily never landing on me again. Out of nowhere I felt an uneasy feeling and I glanced up around the room when I heard a familiar voice. I glanced to the door and froze. My eyes widened and my heart sank. I looked into a pair of Ice cold blue eyes that were basically stripping me out of my clothes. 

"Lilith" His voice was soft and yet it stabbed a dagger straight through my heart. 

"Cam" I spat and with out a second thought a tear fell from my eye and I bolted the opposite way through the back door and into the woods that were just behind the house. I didnt stop until I got so deep into the woods that I could no longer see the house. I fell to the ground and started crying. I sat like that for what felt like hours. How dare he speak to me, how dare he think everything would be fine between us after he left me at the airport in a different state just to go sleep around with a flight attendant! Foot steps grew loud behind me. I didnt even look up, I already knew who it was. 

"Leave me alone" I gritted to nick through my teeth. The tears fell faster now and he let out a sigh.

"L" His voice beamed through the woods. I stood up and faced him. I staired for a moment, this wasnt the normal Cameron I was use to. He had scruffy dark brown hair, and grey eyes. I let out a small breath that I didnt realize I was holding. 

"R." was all I was able to say. I eye to eye with cam, instead the person that stood only inches from me, Shawn Raiden.


Pic of Ravin above <3

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