Ch 7. Gates of Hell

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   "WELCOME TO HELL!" A voice beamed through what sounded like a megaphone. My eyes shot open and I lunged to my feet. My heart raced as I took in the sight before me. I was in an arena of some sort with chains around my ankles and wrists. I was in a line of about ten people chained just like me. "You for some random reason have died and are now in hell. Here we like to have a little fun with our new members." The voice beamed again. I looked up to see a older looking guy that resembled the look of a bouncer, standing in front of us. "You will be put through several tests to determine your ranking here in hell. The ranks of Demon are, Shadow or an Ash, May you fight well." Just then the cuffs fell off and one of the 3 large gates opened. 

Out stepped a bone like creature dressed in Egyptin like armor, he was holding a blade. The others that were chained were now ageinst the far wall trying to keep distance from the creature. I on the other hand was frozen in place. This creature was once a man, A normal human being probably with a job a wife and a few kids. Now disgusting and feared. He made his way to me and stopped directly in front of me. He raised his blade and I dodged it kicking him in the rib cage. We repeated this a few more times before he caught another person and sliced them right through the stomach turning them to ash. yup lilith lets not get hit by the mean scarry bone man with the blade, I told myself. The bone man went after 3 more people leaving me in the ring with only 6 others. Then I noticed it. A small dagger poking out of his back. I ran towards him while he wasnt looking my way and yanked it out. He immediately turned to ash. Just then a second gate opened and out stepped a girl. She had green and red skin, horns and a flaming devils tale.The four only men walked right to her like under a trance and she kissed each of them turning them to flames. It was just me and two other girls. I walked to the demonic looking girl and placed a hand on her shoulder. The girl turned to flames. 

"How the hell did she do that?! I heard some of the viewers say. Even the two girls looked baffled. Finally the last gate opened and out crawled a giant flame colored dragon. It immediately flung its tale at me sending me flying across the ring. then it killed the two other girls turning them to ash. It turned to me and crawled to me.

'You dont deserve to locked away like a beast.' I thought aloud thinking about how lonely he must have been feeling. I notices something in his eyes flicker. 

'Why would anyone care how I was treated' I heard in my head.

'Because you have feelings too, you may not show it but you do got them.' I thought, silently this time. I put my hand out to show him that im not afraid of him, and he touched the tip of his nose to it. 

'I will not fight the only person that has even considered me to have feelings.' He said to me silently. 

'Whats your name?' I said admiring his colors.

'The call me Leviathan'

'Im Lilith are they gonna kill me?' I asked unsure 

'No one has ever successfully defeated all three challengers. I dont know what will happen to you.' He tilted his head to the side.

'Whos in charge of this place?' He looked to the sky, I followed his gaze to a mansion like building floating not far from here.

'The devil is what they they call him, I call him master.'

'Take me to him, please leviathan I need to speak with him about your living conditions.' Leviathan turned around and I climbed on his back. I could hear the crowd gasp in surprise. within seconds Leviathan took to the skys. Once we landed at the mansion gate we said our fair wells and he returned to the arena. I walked up to the gate and pushed them open. To my suprise they actually opened. Then I walked up to the main door where, again it opened with ease. My heart raced. was the devil really like the bible says or like you hear in storys? Inside the mansion it looked normal. It looked like a real house not something you would see in fairy tales. I walked through the building and into a parlor. A guy no older than me was sitting on a chair reading a book. I entered the room un noticed. and stood in front of him. I examined him thoroughly. he had sorta long redish brown dark hair, sharp jaw line and he had some muscle on him. he was in a dark tee and dark jeans bare foot. 

"So this is the devil." I said out loud still looking him over. His eyes quickly shot up from his book as he looked me up and down.

"Who are you, how did you get in here?" He asked quickly standing up.

"Im Lilith and I walked right through the front door." I said confidently.

"Thats impossible no being At all can enter this building by their own free will." He stated confused.

"Well you might wanna get that checked out, and im here to talk to you about Leviathan"

"What about him?" He said walking over to a computer screen and watching it frantically. 

"He doesn't deserve to be caged up. Set him free." His eyes shot to me. 

"Whats your full name?" I glared at him 

"You dodged the subject you need to set him free."

"I will if and only if I get your full name." He said in a calming relaxed tone.

" Lilith Blake, whats yours?"

"Jayce Lucifer." He said while searching his book shelf. After a few long moments he pulls down a book. He quickly scurrys through the pages and I take the chance to look around. I notice a globe in the center of the room I walk over to it and lightly touch it. It begins to glow. I look back to jayce whos eyes deep in his book, then back to the glowing globe. Images of Alec show up on the glob, hes with Tara,Eva and ravin there crying their eyes out. My heart drops, is this whats happening right now since im gone? I touch the image and it changes to shawn. He was kissing jennifer. My heart sunk, tears began to fill my eyes. How could he do that to me? I thought he cared. I guess I cant trust anyone but myself.

"Lilith," I turn back to Jayce who scared me a little at the sound of his voice. "Why are you crying?" 

"Send me back to earth I need to go back." I said looking at him.

"Impossible, now please why are you-" He merely stated. His eyes looked up to see the sphere where shawn was kissing jen.

" I am the impossible, I defeated all your creatures, walked through your magical doors and played with the shiny globe thinggyy in the middle of the room." I choked out. 

"you must know a thing or two." He said in a soft voice.

"Alright go on" I said hesitantly.

"One, humans are not the only beings inhabiting the earth. Basically any mythological creature that you've read about before exists. and two, If I send you back you have to reap souls for me.'

"No" I reject his offer 


Above is Jayce <3 hehe

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