Ch.14 The Vampire King

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"Ugh, bright light turn it off" I groaned at the sudden stream of light peering through the pulled back curtains.

"Once you explain to me why theres a guy in your bed." My eyes shot open at the sound of taras voice and I lunged upward. I seen a mom like tara standing over me and then I looked down to jayce.

"Oh, that." I paused trying to come up with a good response but settled for the truth. "Hes a friend who just happend to pass out because we got home late and I dont like driving in the dark so I couldnt take him home and I didnt want him to walk."

"Shh, its to early" A deep manly voice mumbled as a strong warm arm wrapped around me pulling me back down to a soft warm chest pillow.

"Well, mom and dad are gone on business again. They left last night while you were out." She said leaving the room.

"Okay" I simply mutter as this comes to no big shock or surprise. mom and dad are never home only when something really bad happens. 

"Your coming with me when I see the bloodsucker king today, I dont wanna face him alone." Jayce mumbled into my hair.

"The who?" 

"The leader of the vampire clans here." My heart sank at his words, Shit their real?

"Whats all real in this world now days?" I asked wondering if all mythological creatures were real. Jayce kissed the side of my face and sat up looking back to me.

"Every thing and anything love."He said with a wink. I had no more questions and pretty much assumed all tv shows were semi true. me and jayce drove for two hours north towards lancing, Michigan capital. "Dont worrie love, The leader of the vampree is Valintine. Hes hard to get along with and hates almost everyone he also has alot of issues against humans. He doesnt believe in having any contact with humans once so ever." After two hours we finally pulled up to a very large and very expensive looking castle like mansion.  "Dont worry valentine has more bark then bite." Jayce assured me. We walked up to the front door and jayce knocked. The door cracked open, there on the other side stood a young looking man, no older than me. We both stood their gaizing at each other for several long minutes.

"may I help you?" The boy finally asked more in a long stutter than a question.

"We have an appointment to see valentine." Jayce said pulling me past the boy, who was stuck in the door way. A man in a suit decended the stair way and walked straight over to us. "Its good to see you my old friend." Jayce said to the man.

"I wish I could say the same." The guy said with his eyes fixed on me.

"Can we talk in privet val, we have some important things to discuses." Jayce said gesturing to an office door just to my right. Valentine lead me and jayce into the room, I noticed alec was still in the door way when jayce shut the door behind us.

"Whats she doing here?" Valentine nearly snarled out as if he was mad I was here.

"she's un important to why im here."Jayce said. I looked into valentines eyes and noticed they grew darker. 

"I can smell her, shes a human." he continued.

"No shes not, shes a demon." Jayce finally explained. Valentines face grew very confused.

"Thats not possable" he tried to argue

"Shes a Blood Demon, My blood demon. She was born with a blank life book, she controls her own future. Shes the most rarest being in the world. She has power's beyond our capability." Jayce finally finished. Valentine walked around me a couple time the stopped in front of me.

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