The day Hanna and Miley were partners
Written by
Danielle Z.L. James
11 years old
On Thursday 4th November, 2001, Hanna and Miley were at the school yard talking about what to do for their cooking project. Hanna said why we don't make an omelet, bake, pie and or are all-time favourite chocolate cereal.
Then Miley said no! And at the same time Hanna said then why don't you decide what to make whilst yelling and she said no! Then the home bell rang and they then decided to go tomorrow by Miley's home. At Miley's home they agreed on one thing, then another, then another and finally agreed on what to make. They were feeling very happy with each other that they hugged and shook hands to become friends again for life.
Written by Danielle Z.L. James
Stories by Danielle James
Short StoryA constant combination of short stories. Copyright © 2015