The Great Race
Written by
Danielle Z.L. James
11 years old
Once up on a time there was a rabbit and a tortoise. The rabbit used to win all the races he ran. One day the tortoise decided to have a great race. The rabbit laughed because he thought that the tortoise was kidding, but the tortoise was a proud animal. The rabbit agreed to have the race. As the race started, along the way the rabbit saw a carrot field. The greedy rabbit was in the lead so he ate plenty carrots until he fell asleep. As the rabbit slept under the shade tree the tortoise continued the race. He was sweating and felt happy because he left the rabbit under the beautiful shade tree fast asleep. As the rabbit slept the tortoise continued the race. As soon as the rabbit was awake he continued the race but the tortoise was at the finish line already. The tortoise was happy to win the race. The rabbit was ashamed that the tortoise beat him in the great race.
Written by Danielle Z.L. James
Stories by Danielle James
Short StoryA constant combination of short stories. Copyright © 2015