Written by
Danielle Z.L. James
12 years old
P.L.51 Ram Kiss soon Trace Santa,
Cruz Old Road San June
Saturday 31st November, 2013.
Dear, Pine Hill's camp organizers,
Pine Hill camp was so exciting that the campers could not wait to return the following year but that's not all because the camp's location was near a lake and to me that was unusual but cool. My favourite thing there was the field trips. Especially when we went to Fort George and The Angostura factory. Why the field trips, I fever because of, how we (the campers) always see much more than we expect. I will be here next year and all the years to come because I really, enjoyed this camp!
Yours in attendance,
Danielle James
Written by Danielle Z.L. James
Stories by Danielle James
Short StoryA constant combination of short stories. Copyright © 2015