Written by
Danielle Z.L. James
14 years old
The word base has many meanings. Some being: The lowest part or edge of something, a conceptual structure or foundation and so on. The word base also came from a Latin word meaning 'base, pedestal.' It is also a Middle English word: from Old French and arrived from Greek. It is also a verb.
In today's world base is hardly been used whether spoken or written. There are many games today for learning like a famous one scrabble, were as base can be a good word to uses in the game and earns you six points. Three for the letter b, one for the letter a, one for the letter s and one for the letter e. Base is a four letter word and in my opinion is an easy word to spell. The basest of anything is where it all starts and we must have it else it can't be made or done. Like when a human is born they are first a feces, second a baby, third a toddler, fourth a child, fifth a preteen, sixth a teen, seventh a pre adult, eighth an adult, ninth old age and lastly tenth died so as the base is when you are a feces. You must be a feces first in order to be born hence the reason why it is the base for when you are being born.
In today's architectural world the base structure is very important as it holds up the hold structure of things. There for when building you or whoever is building most always make a blueprint or some form as to how you're going to build anything and the foundation or base must always be a solid one.
Written by Danielle Z.L. James
Stories by Danielle James
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