Leonardo (2012) X ChubbyReader Your Biggest Fan

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Out of all the turtles, you and Leonardo were the closest because you two were big time Space-nicks, or fans of the Space Heroes show. Thanks to your older brother, who was now in college, you became a big fan at an early age. You were mostly into the action and it made you laugh every so often. It wasn't long before you developed a crush on Leonardo. He was fun to hang out with and you thought he was attractive for a turtle. You figured that Leonardo saw as a best friend and fellow Space Heroes fan more than a girlfriend. Plus you were chubby, but you didn't let that stop you, besides you loved hanging out with the blue clad turtle.

At the moment, you and Leonardo sat next to each other on the floor in front of the television watching Space Heroes. Raphael sat in the beanbag chair reading his Green With Envy comic. Once in a while you or Leonardo would mimic one line from the show or say it at the same time. The both of you thought it was funny but Raphael thought it was annoying.

"I swear you two must be the biggest space dorks on the planet," Raphael said looking up from his comic.

You slowly turned your head around, "Hey Raph? I was wondering, if you think the show's stupid, why is it that your almost always sitting in the room every time the show's on?"

Leonardo raised a brow, "Yeah, for someone who says Space Heroes is stupid, you're somehow always there when it happens to be on, why is that?"

Raphael thought about answering with another insult but instead he got up and left the room with a huff. You and Leonardo stared at each other for a second then burst out laughing. Then an announcement came saying there's going to be a Space Heroes marathon this Saturday starting at noon. Leonardo's face had the biggest smile you've ever seen, clearly he was excited for the upcoming event. You were getting excited too and then you had an idea.

"Hey Leo I was thinking, since my parents are going out of town for their anniversary this weekend, do you want to watch the Space Heroes marathon at my place?" You asked.

"Really?" Leonardo asked.

"Yeah, and maybe we could watch the show in peace for once."

Leonardo thought about it for a moment then smiled, "Sounds like a plan to me."

"Sweet! I'll see you Saturday," you said.

Your parents left Friday morning, they left you some money for food and other necessities you might need. The next day, you were getting everything set up, you placed a couple pillows on the couch, a large bowl of popcorn, and your Space Heroes blanket. You even had your favorite Space Heroes t-shirt on for the occasion. You wanted to make sure the afternoon was going to be perfect. It was about ten minutes to noon when you heard your t-phone go off. The caller id showed Leonardo's picture, you picked it up and answered.

"Hey Leo, where are you?"

"I'm at your window could you let me in?" Leonardo asked.

"Ok just a sec," you replied before you hanged up.

You rushed to your room and saw the blue clad turtle waiting on the fire escape outside your window. You opened the window, he carefully stepped inside. "I almost thought you weren't going to make it for a minute there," you said as you closed the window and locked it.

Leonardo scratched the back of his head, "Yeah, I told Master Splinter about our plans and he said I could go under the condition that I did a little extra training this morning."

"That's understandable, but at least you made it."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Cool, you ready to begin the marathon?" You asked.

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