Michelangelo (2012) X ChubbyReader Fluffy

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Michelangelo was known for giving names for mutants as well as items. One day, he gave you your own nickname; Fluffy. Why? Because you were on the chubby side. Of course, you get along well with the other turtles but you and Michelangelo were pretty close. You secretly harbored a crush on the hyperactive turtle for a long time, he was really sweet and fun to hang out with. Even when your having a rough day, seeing that adorable smile of his would almost make your day a whole lot better. Since today was a teacher work day, you thought it would be fun to spend most of the day at the lair. Every time you came in, Michelangelo would almost tackle you to the ground with a hug.

"Morning guys," you said as you came in.

"Morning Fluffy~!" Michelangelo shouted as he rushed at you with a hug.

"Hey Mikey," you replied trying not to fall backwards this time.

"Careful Mikey, you might actually break her one day," Raphael said sarcastically as he walked toward you two.

"No I won't," Michelangelo pouted.

As soon as you regained your balance, you noticed two brothers who weren't here, "Where's Leo and Donnie by the way?"

"Leo's meditating with Master Splinter and Donnie's working on the Shellraiser," Raphael replied.

"Oh ok, what about you?" You asked.

"Me? I'm gong to go reorganize my comics for a bit, you two have fun," Raphael said before he made his way to his room.

"Come on_____, let's play (fav. videogame)," Michelangelo said almost pulling you by your arm.

"Ok, ok," you smiled.

You and Michelangelo took a seat next to each other on the couch. He handed you a game controller and put the game in. The two of you played for about an hour until you decided to take a stretch break. You placed the controller down as you stretched your arms over your head then you leaned back down onto the couch. Michelangelo stretched, stood up for a little bit, and was about to head over to the kitchen.

"Hey you want something to drink?" He asked.

"Sure," you replied.

As soon as Michelangelo came back with a couple of sodas in hand, he noticed you were still lying on your back looking at the television screen. A little smile creped onto his face, he placed the sodas down on the floor then walked toward the back of the couch. He peaked over and he reached over with one extended finger and lightly poked your belly. You jumped and squeaked before you turned around to see the orange clad turtle giggling to himself.

"Mikey why would you do that?!" You gasped.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it," he said before he poked your stomach again.

You gently shooed his hand away, "Stop~!"

"What? It's cute," he smiled.

"No it's not," you whined while you defensively covered your stomach with your arms.

"Yes it is~," he said then proceeded to tickle you.

"No, stop! Ahhh!" you squealed before you started to laugh.

Michelangelo tickled your sides, underarms, and stomach. You were laughing so hard tears were forming in your eyes and struggling to take a breath. You wiggled around to avoid the orange clad turtles tickle attack but to no avail.

"Stop it, stop! Ah!" You shrieked before you fell off the side of the couch.

"Woah you ok?" Michelangelo quickly asked.

"Yeah I'm good," you replied before you got up and sat back down on the couch.

While you were catching your breath, Michelangelo sat down next to you and scooted a bit closer. It was a bit quiet between you two until Michelangelo spoke.



"Do you know why I gave you the nickname Fluffy?" Michelangelo asked.

"Because I'm fat?" You replied flatly.

"Wrong! Because you're soft and cuddly," Michelangelo chirped before he hugged you.

You were blushing pretty hard. One of your favorite qualities about Michelangelo was that he never really judged you by your looks. You thought he was the sweetest guy in the world, even if he was a mutant turtle. That and pretty much the reason you started to develop a crush on him.

Michelangelo blushed, "And I r-really like you."

You gave him a surprised look which made the orange clad turtle panic slightly and released you from his grip.

"S-sorry, I-I mean, if you don't feel the same way-"

"I really like you too," you said cutting him off.

He quickly back at you, "What?"

"I really like you too," you repeated.

Michelangelo's baby blue eyes widened, "Really?"

"Yeah," you nodded.

Michelangelo did a fist pump in the air, "Booyakasha! ______ likes me!"

"Hey Mikey can I ask you something?"


"You really don't mind this?" You asked gesturing to yourself.

"I never did," Michelangelo said before he kissed you on the cheek. You replied to that by giving him a quick kiss on his lips. Michelangelo blinked for a moment before he immediately wrapped his arms around you and kissed you again only this time on the lips. The kiss lasted only a few seconds until you both parted.

"Um ____, I was wondering...would you like to do something together, you know, just you and me?" Michelangelo asked blushing.

"Like a date?"

"Yeah," Michelangelo nodded, "Would you?"

"I'd love to," you replied smiling.

"Yay!" He said before hugging you again.

"Well you two have my vote for cutest couple," Raphael smirked. You and Michelangelo turned around to see the red clad turtle standing a few feet behind the couch. You groaned while Michelangelo shot a glare at his older brother.

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