Michelangelo (2014/2016) X ChubbyReader Sleepover

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Tonight, you were going to spend the night at the lair, this was something you would do once in a while for the fun of it. You liked to hang out with the turtles but you really liked hanging out with Michelangelo, who was also your crush. He almost always knew how to cheer you up when you really needed it. You were also well aware of the orange branded turtle's crush on the reporter and your best friend April O'Neil. Why not? She was pretty, social, and had a great figure. You, on the other hand were self conscience and, well, chubby. Sometimes he would openly flirt with her, but April would laugh and brush it off as Michelangelo being well, Michelangelo. You couldn't help but feel a little jealous that April was getting most of his attention. You took a small duffel bag and packed some of the basic necessities. As soon as you were packed and ready, you headed for the sewers. A few minutes later, you entered the lair and saw Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello were doing their own thing.

"Hi guys," you greeted as you came in.

"Hi," they said in almost unison.

Michelangelo came out into the living room and smiled as he started to walk toward you.

"Hey ______," he replied as he gave you a hug which you returned, "So, what would you like to do first? Play video games, watch a movie, order pizza?"

"Umm, how about some video games?"

"Alright, just give me a minute."

You set your bag down on the sofa while he got the game set up and handed you a controller and you two started to play (Fav. video game). You and Michelangelo played for about an hour and a half, you knew he was very good at them and he would win most of the time but he would sometimes let you win. After a while, Michelangelo ordered a few pizzas for everyone. When it finally arrived, you went up to the surface to pick it up, you saw their usual delivery guy Kevin, got the pizza, and returned down to the lair. You set it down on the table, and one by one the turtles got up to help themselves to some food. Michelangelo grabbed about four slices of pizza and sat down at the table.

"Hey ______, could you grab me an orange crush?" Michelangelo asked as you were entering the kitchen.

"Sure," you replied then headed toward the fridge.

When you opened the fridge, you saw a large green snake sitting on the shelf. You gasped and jumped but then realized that it was just a rubber snake and you already knew who the culprit was.

"Mikey!" You shouted but Michelangelo was too busy laughing. You grabbed the snake and threw it at him but he dodged it effortlessly. The orange branded turtle would prank you once in a while just to see what kind of reaction he would get. Of course you couldn't stay mad at him because you even thought some of them were funny. You grabbed and orange crush for him and one for yourself then closed the refrigerator door. Leonardo couldn't help but roll his eyes and smile at what just happened.

"You know, he got Raph last week," Leonardo mentioned as he walked passed you.

You giggled, "Really?"

"Man you should've seen him jump," Donatello added, laughing a little.

Raphael growled, "Shut up! I knew it was fake."

"Sure you did bro," Michelangelo said rolling his eyes, Raphael shot a glare at him as he left the kitchen.

After the rest of the turtles including you each grabbed a few slices and you took a seat at the table next to Michelangelo. Donatello took his share back to his computer, Raphael sat himself on the couch, and Leonardo went to the dojo so he could catch up on some meditation after he was done eating. You and Michelangelo stayed in the kitchen and talked about whatever came up. Sometimes he would try to stack up to four pizza slices on top of each other and would try to eat it like that but ended up getting sauce all around his mouth in the process.

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