Raphael (2003) X ChubbyReader Tough Girl

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You came over to the lair to spend some quality time with your best friend, who is also your crush, Raphael. The two were currently sitting on the couch with a bunch of snacks watching wrestling on TV, you weren't very into it but you didn't mind. Plus, you loved seeing Raphael getting excited over the match that was happening on the screen. The rest of the turtles weren't that into wrestling themselves but at least you were willing to watch it with him. After another the show ended, Raphael stretched a bit and relaxed back into his seat.

"Tch," Raphael scoffed, "I could take on any of these guys in my sleep."

"As who? The masked turtle?" You teased.

"Very funny," he gave you a playful shove.

You gave him a shove back only to shove you again until you accidentally pushed him off the couch. The red masked turtle sat himself up and flashed a mischievous grin toward you. Within seconds you knew what that look meant, you quickly got up from the couch and ran. Raphael chased you around the training area until he caught you and you both tumbled onto the floor. This was a thing the two of you did once in a while. Sometimes, you two would roughhouse around the training area much to Master Splinter's displeasure. At some point during you and Raphael's playful scuffle, Master Splinter stood a few feet away and firmly tapped his staff on the ground. You two stopped what you were doing and looked up seeing Master Splinter with a displeased look on his face.

"Raphael, ______, I would appreciate it if you two were not so rough with each other." He shifted his gaze to his son, "And you need to be careful with ______, you could seriously hurt her."

Raphael stood up followed by you. "Master Splinter you know I wouldn't do something like that to her and besides she's tougher than she looks," Raphael said while he gave you a nudge. You giggled and nudged him back.

"I think it would be best if you took her home, it is starting to get dark," Master Splinter advised.

You let out a groan, but you didn't argue, "Yeah, I'd better get going."

"Oh would it be alright with you if I came along?" Raphael asked you.

"Yeah, I'm fine with it."

"I'll be right back," Raphael said before he took off.

Raphael went up to his room to change into his disguise. He came down wearing a dark blue jacket with red trim, gray sweatpants, a black hat, and sunglasses. After a few minutes of struggling with the clothing, he came back out and met up with you at the elevator.

"Ready to go tough girl?" He asked.

"Yeah let's go."

With that, you said bye to Master Splinter and the rest of the turtles before you left with Raphael. You and Raphael walked down the sidewalk side by side talking and laughing. Sometime during your conversation, a voice came up from behind you two.

"Well look who it is."

You froze and mumbled, "Oh great."

You and Raphael stopped, turned around, and saw a girl your age with long straight blonde hair and brown eyes holding a white shopping bag with one hand and a smoothie in the other. She wore a light pink shirt, a small denim jacket, skinny jeans, and white sandals. You immediately recognized her as Becca and she would give you a hard time when she had the chance. Honestly, she was last person you wanted to run into.

Becca walked up until she was just a few feet away for you, "Could you move aside? You're taking up the whole sidewalk."

"Oh? Shouldn't you be having diet water instead of that smoothie?" You smirked, Raphael chuckled under his breath.

You could tell she didn't like that remark but instead of saying something back she shifted her attention to Raphael, "Who's this your boyfriend?"

You blushed, "What? No he's um..."

"Oh that's right," she said mockingly. "Like a fat girl like you could get a boyfriend."

You glared, "What?"

"You heard me fatso," Becca spat.

You felt tears starting to form in the corners of your eyes as you clenched your fists until they started to shake at your sides. Raphael could tell you were trying your hardest not to cry. He knew you were trying to be tough but even you had your limits. Of course he wasn't just going to stand by and let you take it.

Raphael took a few steps toward Becca, "Hey princess, you may have a pretty face but you have one ugly attitude."

In one swift motion, he smacked the bottom of her cup causing the top to fly off and spilling her smoothie all over the front of her shirt. You quickly covered your mouth to snuff out a laugh. Then Raphael grabbed your wrist and pulled you along as he started to quickly walk away. As for Becca she just stood there completely stunned with her mouth agape. After about a block or two Raphael finally released his grip.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe you just did that," you gasped.

He looked at you with the biggest grin on his face, "Did you see the look on her face?"

You laughed, "I know it was pretty awesome."

"Yeah, let's get you home."

You and Raphael walked the rest of the way to your apartment building. Once in a while your gaze would shift to the red masked turtle. "Hey Raph, thanks for earlier."

"Don't mention it, besides she was asking for it anyway."

When you reached the front steps you paused and turned to face Raphael. He noticed you suddenly looked a bit down, "You alright?"

"What if she's right? What if I can't get a boyfriend because of, you know..."

Raphael took a couple steps closer to you and placed a hand on your shoulder, "Hey don't listen to her, you're nice, fun, and pretty cool to hang out with. Plus, I think any guy would be lucky to have you as his girl."

You felt your face flush, "Thanks Raph."

"I'll tell ya what. How about we do something tomorrow? Just you and me."

"I'd like that a lot."

The next day, you returned to the lair and Raphael had planned an afternoon of watching some of your favorite movies. Raphael borrowed the laptop from Donatello so you two could watch movies in his room. After a few minutes of looking around you two finally decided on a movie to watch. Then you both headed for the kitchen to grab some popcorn, a few other snacks, and a couple of sodas. You set yourself next to Raphael and began the movie. Sometime after the first movie Raphael popped in another movie, only this one was more of an action-packed superhero movie. You looked over at Raphael and he quickly looked away with a small blush on his face. After the movie ended, you were already looking through the turtle's movie collection for another movie to watch.

Finally you picked out a movie and turned to the turtle, "Hey how about this one? Raph?"

"You know, I meant what I said yesterday, about any guy would be lucky to have you as his girl." Then he mumbled under his breath, "I know I would."

You weren't sure if you heard him correctly, but you moved closer, "Wait what?"

"Oh for cryin out loud," Raphael leaned in and captured your lips in a kiss. His action caught you off guard, but you closed your eyes and kissed him back. You rested your hands on his shoulders his own rested at your sides. The kiss only lasted a few moments then you both slowly parted.

"Raph?" You were a little bit dazed from the kiss.

He hesitated for a moment, "I-I really like you, and if ya want, would ya like to be my girl?"

You nodded, "Yes I would, and Raph."


You gave him a quick peck on his lips, "I really like you too."

With that, you two cuddled up in front of the laptop and continued with your movie marathon until sundown.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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