learning to love

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The trip to the home was, unusual, I never road in a car before that moment, not to mention I didn't know how to sit in the set without hurting my wings. I sat in the back with Sam while John and Dean took the front, Sam keeper looking at me, in my discomfort, trying to figure out, with me, how I could sit without hurting my wings. When we finally got to the house I was relieved to get out and did as fast as I could, slamming the car door behind me "Watch it boy, this cars a classic" I hard John say "Sorry, I don't know what classic means but I am sorry" Dean looked at me like he couldn't understand why I didn't know why the car was a 'classic'. "It's fine, just watch it when you close the door next time" John said as he walked up to the house, the boys fallowing him, I stood by the car not really knowing what to do with myself. "Comin' Cas" Dean called, at first I didn't like him shorting my name like that but over time I would grow to love it, even long to hear him call me it again. I caught up to them and we went inside, all three of them taking off there shoes and jackets, me standing there. The boys took off saying something about TV, "Mary we're home" John calls, he looks at me "you can come in you know" "What should I do?" he looked at me confused, just the a woman walked in stopping in her tracks at the site of me, " I can help you with whatever you need help with. I learned how to clean at a very young age." "No your fine.. Just go find Sam and Dean" John says, I go off to find the boys but not before I hear John and Mary talking "John, who is he? What is he? Do his parents know he's hear?" I hear the concern in her voice "His name is Castiel. I'm not sure what exactly he is. No they don't.. They also don't know he's been living in the woods for god knows how long." "Sam spotted him, took me and Dean by surprise." "What did Sam think he is" "He called him an angel. The only reason I think Sam is right is because of his wings" I couldn't listen to anymore, I was not an angel, that and I didn't want to hear what they thought of my wings. But as I thought of it more the more I thought something was up, I mean all of us kids were named after angels, there was Michael he was the oldest and by far my dads favorite, then Lucifer mom's little devil, as she called him, and then Gabriel the trickster as my parents called him and then there was me the unwanted one and the only one not named after an archangel or even an angel as far as I knew at the time. My mom did always tell me that if I was never born then she'd have the perfect life. I guess now she does, now that I'm not there to have everyone else looked at as freaks. I knew she'd always would be happier without me around, she would have the perfect family and that's all she cared about. I would come to find out in time that she died saying that she never loved me and some how I always knew that but that didn't mean that it didn't hurt. I found Sam and Dean watching some show about a cat and mouse chasing each other it seemed that the mouse was smarter than the cat, I sat next to Dean, he looked away from the TV "What's up with you?" "I don't think your mom likes me" "why would you say that?" "it seems that I confuse her" "You confuse everyone Cas. Just give it a few weeks, she'll be treating you like me and Sammy" I smiled at him looking at Sam, who looked at me just long enough to give me a smile, then going back to the TV.

I know two characters in one day holly hell. You get a little taste of Cas's family in this chapter.. Don't feel bad I don't like them much myself, exactly his mom... Anyway hope you like it, comment and all that stuff.
Lots of love Raven

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