spread your wings

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I always knew I was different from the moment that my brothers looked at me as if I was a monster, I ran away from home that day. I was 5 years old then. On my tenth birthday I found out why my brothers looked at me like they did, that day was hell, I went to bed in the worse pain I ever had in my short life. I thought I was going to die that night. When I woke up that morning the pain was gone but there was blood all over the ground, I jumped up in a panic, my hand brushed up against something, that's when I seen my shadow, I couldn't believe it I had wings. They where a black color but as the sun shined on them I see that there was a slit blue to them. Everything made sense that day, that was the day I vowed I would never be looked at like a monster ever again. My name is Castiel and this is my story.

There it is the first chapter hope you like it. I'll try to update as much as I can. Also this is my first story I've done so if it sucks I'm sorry. Raven

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