Walking alone

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I woke up one morning and Sam was gone.. The last of my family.. I stood there for a little bit, I couldn't believe it, what was so wrong with me that everyone I loved walked away... First Gab, then Dean, now Sam.. I couldn't understand then that these people left for a reason.. I later found out that Gab left for me, he wanted to find a good place that he could tack me, so I was finaly away from are parents and are asshole brothers. Sam left because he got a call from Dean saying he finaly came home but when they came back I was gone... Dean left for my safety... Buy I couldn't understand at the time that these things made me stronger, no at the time I thought that it was my fault everyone left. So I left the Winchester house, turning my back on what I loved and who I loved.

I spent a week and a half walking the streets, I don't care what people thought of me because I knew longer cared.. That's when something changed in my life, I remember that day so well. I was walking down the street like I useley did when I hard a voice, I turned around and was greeted by an older lady, I looked down at her, she had her hands together like she was prying. "Angel, I know you may be busy but could I ask you why are you on earth?" "I'm no angel." she looked at me "I believe you are." "I may have wings but I'm no angel.. I-I'm a m-monster." I whispered the last part. "That's how the world sees you but I see what you are, your misunderstood and with the right push you can fly." this woman seamed to know things I didn't think anyone could "You have someone you hold close to your heart that understands you and loves you for the angel you are." her words took me back.. Was she talking about Dean? No she couldn't be. "I don't understand" I say "He loves you, you just need to see it.. When you see it he'll lift you up and then dear angel you'll finaly be able to fly." I closed my eyes, I was shaking, it was like she understood something that I couldn't. "I don't know where to start." I whispered but knowone answered, I opened my eyes to see that I was alone, I looked down to see something written in calk 'You already know angel' but I don't.. I really had know idea plus I didn't understand what just happened.

Holly Chuck, it's been a while sece I last updated. Hope you like it. Also I have a felling that this story is coming to a end soon. I think I mite still do it in Dean's point of view. Tell me what you think. Raven

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