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A few days after my in countwith the old lady, who knew a little bit to much about me, I had another in counter. If I knew that, that old lady was the start of my life turning around, I would of gave her a hug and told her that she was the start of something good but you can't tell the future. I was walking around town, people looked at me but I was uses to it by now, "Castiel" I knew that voice but where have I heard it before? I turned to see someone I thought I would never see again "Gabriel" I ran up to him raping him in a hug "It's nice to see you too brother." "You did want you had to Gab." he smiled at the old nickname, "What have you been up to Cas?" I looked down, that name it reminded me of Dean... I wasn't OK with that, I thought I got over him, I guess I thought wrong. "What's the matter?" Gabriel's voice pulling me from my thoughts "An old friend used to call me Cas" my voice sounded weak, "I'm sorry. Where you to close? " "It's all right Gab. We were close, him and his family where the first people to talk to me since you left." "Did you like him?" "More then he knew... I loved him, I still do" "What was his name?" "Dean Winchester" Gab seemed to smile at Dean's name, "Come on Cassie, I have something to show you." I followed him, I didn't mind the new nickname he gave me. We got to a small house, it looked nice, a two bedroom. Gabriel opened the door waiting for me, as I walked in I seen I was right the house was a two bedroom, it had a kitchen off the front door which was open to the living room as well, there was a short hallway that lead to the bedrooms. As we walked in a tall man with long hair walked out of one of the bedroom, "Gab where the hell have you been? I was worried about..." the man stopped sort when he seen me, I didn't know what to do, I wanted to hid behind Gabriel. Gabriel seemed to smile once the man walking out, the man stared at me for a while before finaly saying "Cas is that you?" I looked him, for a while before it hit me "Sam" I ran up to him raping him in a hug "It's nice to see you too Cas"

That's it that's the next chapter. Don't know if anyone is reading this but I hope you like it anyways. Raven

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