chapter 2

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After we ate Alex offered to show me my homeroom and she took me to it. Now I’m outside my homeroom saying bye to her. “Bye Silver I’ll see you in lunch!” “Bye Alex”

when I was about to go inside she stopped me and said “By the way, I missed you so much! I’m so glad you’re here! High school will be a lot more fun with you here.” “Awe thanks Alex I’ve missed you so much and yes high school will be a lot more fun with me here” I joked cockily, she chuckled and in minutes she disappeared in the hallway full of kids.

I went inside my homeroom which we only have for today so they can give us our schedule and then that’s it. I sat randomly in a chair I saw a very good looking guy past right by me but he didn’t even notice me so I was like whatever.

The teacher welcomed us to the school and talked a little about our school while I talked to some of my friends from middle schooled, we hugged and talking about our summer.

We all got our schedule and checked which classes we had together. My classes were: Science, English, Math, History, Photoshop, and Baby Ed.

Well the day passed in a breeze, the first day of school was pretty much everyone standing up and saying something about themselves. I had 3 classes with the very good looking guy I saw earlier and in all the classes we have together which are 1st period, science, 4th period, history and 6th period Baby Ed, he sits behind me because his last name is Aguirre and mine is Aguilar. So I see him constantly, by the way his name is Austin, what a beautiful name right.

Austin didn’t go to my last school because I’ve never seen him before, but in the first day of school he said a bunch of cool stuff in class and he already has a bunch of friends, I can safely say his a jerk by the way he talks to the teachers but a super-hot jerk .

He has electric blue eyes and his hair is a beautiful dark black that shines in the light you can tell is mega soft and smooth, he is a buffer than Jake and also taller and hotter. Alex and I had lunch together and talked a lot. I constantly saw Jake in the hallway always looking at me and smiling brightly while I blushed and smiled back. He just has that effect on me.

When I got to my house I went straight to my mom and gave her a kiss, and she asked about my day and I said it was good which it was and went straight to my room. Believe it or not I love to read so I took out my phone and went to this app called “watt pad”. I scanned through my library and picked a book. I started reading for a while.

4 chapters later, “Silver diners ready” my mom says getting inside my room. “What are you doing?”, “I’m reading ma I’ll be down in a sec.”. “Alright hurry up or your food will get cold” ugh did she not just hear me say I’ll be down in a sec “alright ma close the door on your way out”. I’ll just finish this chapter and go down, the food won’t get cold that-

My thoughts were interrupted by Trey Songz singing Heart Attack.

Turn the lights on

Ooh! We share something so common-

“Hello” I say answering the phone before I get too caught up in the song and forget to answer.

“Hey its Jake remember me?” Jake said in that sexy voice of his that made my heart skip a beat.

“Of course I do, hey Jake what’s up?” I say trying to sound cool, but probably failing.

“Oh nothing much, you?”

“Uh same I guess, not trying to sound mean or anything but how’d you get my number?”

“I asked Alex for it” O.M.G he asked for me!? I died!

Oh why did you?” I asked

Um…” he started, not knowing what to say next “Would you go on a date with me this Friday?”

O.M.G he did not just ask me on a date!! Best day ever! Okay Silver keep it cool!

YES!” I literally screamed failing on keeping it cool “I mean, I’d love to” I quickly tried to cover it up.

Really? Great! So I’ll pick you up at 6?”

“Sure sounds good, ill text you my address.”

“Okay see you tomorrow bye.”


Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it!! I quickly text Jake my address. Yes!! I’m so happy!! I literally started screaming my lungs out! “I’m going on a date with Jake!! I’m going on a date with Jake!!” over and over again while jumping on my bed. My mom came in through the door and I freeze.

“Uh Silver can you explain to me why are you screaming and jumping in your bed even though its already obvious why”. “Mom, a super-hot guy just asked me to go on a date with him! You have to let me go please! This is a one in a life time opportunity! Please I’ll do anything!!”.

”Anything huh?” my mom says in a voice that’s scaring me “so when is this date anyway?” “Friday night at 6”. “You can do the dishes till then”. “Yes thanks ma you’re awesome!”, “I know, mom's always awesome when she says yes” I chuckled at her comment. “Come on let’s go down before your dinner gets cold”, “okay ma.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went down.

When I went down I saw my dad “Hey dad I didn’t see you when I came from school.” “Hey sweaty sorry I was in the office”. My dad is a very working man. He works all the time but not too much to not have time for the family. He always has time for us. We go out every Sunday which is family night. We eat together we go somewhere to have fun or we play something like monopolies.

My mom doesn’t work though, she’s a house wife. She wanted to work but my dad said no that his paycheck is enough. And It actually is. My dad works in food and beverage in hotels sometimes he needs to leave the city since hes the manager.

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