chapter 1

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I turn off my alarm clock that was singing Invincible by Pmac and let out a loud groan. First day in high school as a freshman, awesome. NOT!

“SILVER GET UP! YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE!” My mom screams at me from the kitchen.

“I’M GOING MA!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

I get up and take a 15 minute bath. I put on my uniform quickly. Yea you read right I said uniform. Could this get any worse? I do my hair as fast as I can seeing as I only have 10 minutes left for my bus to come. Yes a bus. On the bright side I’m going to high school where I’m far away from the middle school drama! Maybe this year won’t be so bad after all. I mean maybe I find the one, I really hope so! I haven’t dated a guy in a whole year! Middle school guys are way too immature!

As I finish curling my hair I hear my bus. I run to get my bag and my earphones. I plug my earphones in my phone but only put one earphone on, seeing as I’m going to be talking to my friends in the bus.

As I get in the bus I say hi to my bus driver. She’s been my bus driver for 3 years in a row. I sit next to my friend Alexandra and I give her the biggest hug. I haven’t seen her in a whole year! Since she went to high school and I stayed in middle school!

“O.M.G HI SILVER! IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!” Alexandra screams at me.

I chuckle, “Hi Alex. I’ve missed you too. We have to catch up!”

We talk for the next 25 minutes as the bus goes to my new school. We talk about the summer, high school, I told her the classes I got in middle school. She told me which teacher she also had and we discussed and talked and it was fun just talking to my best friend in person like old times. She lives far from me so we couldn’t really hang out during last year

When the bus stops in my new school I watch it in delight. “It’s huge!” I exclaim. “Watch when you see the inside, you’ll shit your pants” I laugh at her expression.  She shows me the school inside and out. It’s amazing, gorgeous! I never actually been to this school never even seen it.  It is a two floor building, it has a huge front and backyard where we can study and just chill and walk. Well also for P.E.

As I was walking and talking to Alex I bumped into someone, I looked back to apologize and I met piercing green eyes staring at me. We stayed there for a good 2 seconds, until he spoke, “Uh, sorry I wasn’t looking” he said, scratching the back of his neck. His voice soft yet deep. That voice that stays in your head. “Uh no I’m sorry, totally my fault, I wasn’t paying attention”.

He chuckled not in a bad way but in a nervous way, “Oh come on I can’t let a pretty girl like you take the fault” I could feel my cheeks turning pink, “Well in that case you better watch were you’re going next time”I joked. He chuckled “I’m Jake, what’s your name? ”O.M.G his name is Jake!? That’s my favorite name for a guy! Okay silver keep it cool! “Nice to meet you Jake my name’s Silver”. “Nice to meet you too Silver”, Jake said extending his arm which I gladly shook.

Instead of pulling away we both stayed looking at each other holding each other’s hands like some creeps, until Alex cleared her throat. Oh gosh how embarrassing I totally forgot she was there. “Oh sorry Alex this is-“. “Jake” she finishes for me “We know each other we had like 2 classes together last year”. “Oh cool” was my genius response. “Well Silver I hope to see you around, bye and bye Alex”, “Bye” we both said in union.

Jake has amazing green eyes with soft straight dirty blond hair that falls just above his eyes, giving his soft features a sexy look. He’s tall but not 6 feet tall more like 5’7, which is perfect height. He’s arms are not so buff yet not skinny they’re just right, it shows that he does go to the gym but not all the time. Like those guys that look like they live in the gym. You can tell he has abs, O.M.G I can’t wait to see him shirtless!

“Are you alright?” Alex asks concern written in her eyes. “He’s cute! Who am I kidding, he’s hot!” she looks at me an emotion I can’t quiet recognize flashes in her eyes for a second then it was gone and she says “ Yea he is”. “Are you okay?” I ask being my turn to be concerned, “Yea I’m okay I just remembered something I don’t really want to talk about.” “Oh, alright” I say not wanting to push the conversation seeing how it bothers her.

“Come on lets go eat breakfast I’m starving” I said trying to lighten the mood, “Alright let’s go!” she said faking a smile. I wonder wasn’t behind that fake smile, what happened that makes her so sad, oh well I guess I’ll find out when she’s ready to tell me.

<><><<><><><><><><> Teenage love <><><><<><>><><><><><>

After we got our food we sat down in an empty table only us two. “You know, Jake is a really nice guy. You should really give him a chance, he could make you super happy.” She said and I saw that emotion flash in her eyes once again. What was going on?

“Uh, yea don’t worry I will give him a chance I mean he’s hot why wouldn’t I, I just hope he has a good personality that won’t ruin his looks” I chuckle trying to lighten the mood. She gives me a smile forced smile “Trust me his personality is just as good as his features.”

I already felt a little uncomfortable with this conversation I know there’s something she’s not telling me, but I’m not forcing her to, I really want to give him a chance and I feel like whatever she has to tell me will ruin that, so I prefer not knowing I didn’t leave middle school drama for high school drama. Drama doesn’t help me concentrate in school and I want to do good I want to get in a good college so I can have a happy life. I want drama out of my life.

 “So…” I start trying to change the conversation, “have you lost your V card?” I know it’s a little personal but Alex and I are close enough to talk about this without a problem. I see her stiffen a little and that same emotion once again flashes in her eyes, I’m getting more confuse for the minute.

“Uh…” she starts, trying to think of what else to say, I just raise an eye brow at her. “I don’t really want to talk about that, it’s kind of personal. So tell me how was middle school without me, did you like being in 8th grade?” I could tell she was avoiding the conversation, but well I really didn’t want to bother her if she’s that uncomfortable even though that gave me a big YES!

“Um… well like you know, middle school sucks and being in 8th grade sucked even more. I mean I had 3 Fcats how unbelievably dumb is that?”. “Huh! We all had to be there! But don’t worry its over!” I could see she felt better already “Yea I’ll say!” We kept talking about nothing important really just friendly talks and gossips, I’m a girl what can I say.

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