Chapter 2

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"I want you all to read chapter one and answer the twenty questions in the textbook with your seat partner. Once you're done you can read quietly for the rest of the period."

I groan internally when I see Mr. Hales smirk deepen at Mr. Fergandos words as he reaches out for the book in the middle of the table. "We can share, right?" He turns his head and fixes those stunning eyes on me as I gulp and shake my head.

"I learned all of this in Arizona." I mumble softly and avoid direct eye contact, afraid that I will lose the ability to speak English and start speaking a whole new language. C'mon June! Snap out of it! He's just a cute fuckboy you met!

"Ah, she finally speaks!" He laughs a deep and husky laugh as I glare down at the table, everyone turns to us just to see, quite possibly, the hottest guy in the school laughing next to the new girl as if she said the funniest thing ever.

"Yes, I can speak. And I said that I already learned this so you can use the book for yourself." I whisper sharply and grab my pencil, writing all the answers neatly on my loose leaf paper.

"Oh, a smart mouth. I like women who play hard to get." He says and leans over my shoulder to look at my answers. Normally I would be uncomfortable with someone so close to me but he's really starting to get on my nerves.

"I'm not playing hard to get." I laugh shortly and look him in the eye, attempting to look menacing but I probably just look foolish. "I just know your type and I'm not going through that again."

"Mr. Hales! Miss. West! That better not be talking I hear!" Mr. Fergandos voice brings the classrooms attention to be fixated on the dumbo to my left and I.

With my face turning a deep shade of pink from embarrassment, I turn my attention back to my paper that was half full of answers that I already knew were correct.

With just his hand, he swiftly grabs my pencil from my grasp. "Hey!" I gasp and try to grab it but he's too fast, probably from experience with flirting with other girls. I hear his low chuckle as I glare in his direction. "Give it back." I say through gritted teeth and take a deep breath.

"I'll give it back if you give me your name." He whispers with a smirk and twirls my favorite pencil with his long fingers.

"June." I huff quietly and cross my arms, "June West."

I can hear him snort as he holds back his laughter. "June as in the month? And West as in the direction?" I can't stand his stupid chuckles as my face flushes red and I grab his pen from his side of the table and continue writing.

"I guess your favorite month is June?" He chuckles

"Oh like I haven't heard that one before. And no, it's July." I say and roll my eyes.

"Why July?"

Because that's when Bennett asked me out. "Because it's not June." I lie through my teeth and grip his pen tight in my hand as Bennett comes back into my mind.

"Miss West and Mr. Hales, if you do not want detention after school then I suggest you both shut your mouths. But if you want to continue I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to catch up in the office and after school." The teachers voice snaps me out of my thoughts of Bennett and I wince at the tone Mr. Fergando has spoken with.

"Sorry sir. Won't happen again." I mumble quietly and quickly get back to work, determined to not get sidetracked again by the loon next to me.

Finally after several minutes of him attempting to make conversation and me just shooting him down with smart ass remarks and shh's, he stops trying but still keeps twirling my pencil as I feel his eyes on me while I work.

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