Chapter 6

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"Hi." The stranger said in a deep voice as he focused his soft gaze on me. My breath caught as I was trapped in his stare.

"H-Hello." Shit! Don't stutter!

His dark blue eyes sparkled with amusement and I frowned, thinking he was laughing at me and slowly pulled away. I was able to stand on my own two feet, sort of.

I quickly became interested with my hands and started fiddling with them when Mr. Hales came up beside me.

"Terrence." He said kindly, and put his arm over my shoulders lazily. But I could see behind his facade, sensing the tension in his body. "I see you've met June West." My name coming from him sounds perfect when in reality it is such a silly name.

Carefully I move from Mr. Hales arm, already knowing what he was trying to do; staking his claim on me, some sort of animalistic nature caused probably by the testosterone in males.

Terrence. I never thought his name would be that, he looks like a Ryan. Smiling, I look up to Terrence and meet his gaze.

"Yeah I have." He says, still keeping his eyes on me, "And why're you here Brian?"

Brian. His name is Brian Hales.

Perfect. I think I'm about to faint.

Stop, don't think like that! You know what he is and what he will do to you. What Bennett did to you...

I wince slightly at the memory of confronting him. He did something unforgivable. He hit me. After I confronted him after finding him fucking Becky behind my back.

And being a fool in love I let him, begging him to forgive me.

I barely notice the tension between the two men before I shake myself from my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what?" I mumble looking back and forth at each face.

"Nothing, I need to get to lunch right now. I'll see you there Terrence." He gives a curt nod with his jaw set before focusing his green eyes on me. Slowly he leans in and breaths into my ear, his warm breath tickling my earlobe and causing me to shiver.

"I'll see you later June."

In response I glare at him, "Keep on dreaming buddy."

"Glad to know I got promoted to buddy." He says with a wink before adding, "Although,  I can be a very good buddy."

Brian smirks before walking out without looking back and I exhale and see Terrence looking at me.

"Are you and him...?" He trails off and it takes me a moment to understand what he meant.

"No!" I gasp and pull off an appalled expression.

His face softens, making his blue eyes shine with the satisfaction that I'm not taken by a complete douchebag.

"You have lunch now?" I ask steering the conversation away from Brian, don't want to think about him in my free time. Or how intoxicated I was by his scent; a mix of lemon and mint.

"Yeah. Do you too?" He offers to carry my books and I refuse but he takes them anyway and walks with me to the checkout.

"I do." I say evenly and keep my eyes forward.

"I can walk you there, I mean, if you want." Setting down my books he scratches the back of his neck, a light blush appearing on his cheekbones.

"Well we're both heading to the same place. I don't see why not." I grin and grab my books before he has the chance and laugh as he attempts to scowl at me.

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