Chapter 10

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'So, how do you manage to make my skin buzz when it's been 10 minutes since you last kissed my neck?' My subconscious sarcastically answers when I mentally ask myself what to say when Brian comes down after doing god knows what.

I'm grabbing eggs and cracking them into the skillet when I hear the heavy footsteps of Brian coming down the steps in a white t-shirt and black jeans with black converses. His hair is messy yet perfect. A sharp sizzle brings me to my sense as I bring my focus back to the cracked egg on the pan.

I curse at myself under my breath and quickly remove the shells before they get cooked into the food. 

"How do you like your eggs?" Surprisingly, my voice comes out steady. I give myself a mental high five.

"Scrambled." He answers just as calmly walks beside me. What he wants, I don't know but my attention is focused on not getting any shells into the damn eggs, again.

I glance up at him out of the corner of my eye, "Do you need anything?"

"Well the thing I need right now is busy making eggs." At his response I blink a few times. Too far.

"So where did you get the change of clothes?" I try to change the subject while absentmindedly stirring the eggs so they can't get burnt.

"Well I always keep a second change of clothes in my car."

"But you were riding your motorcycle." I point out and raise an eyebrow.

"Same thing."

"No, they're really not actual-"

"Aren't you going to ask me how I brushed my teeth?" He interrupts my sentence and I turn my head to him while he shines his perfectly white teeth at me.

Dad's out of the house and he always grab his own before he leaves for a business trip.. But obviously Brian packed his own with his own weird overnight bag, right? Then again why would he be asking me with that cheeky grin?

I gasp with sudden realization, "You didn't!"

"Didn't what, Junebug?" He asks innocently while batting his eyelashes.

My feet take off on their own accord up the stairs and I see my green toothbrush in the spot it wasn't originally 9 hours ago when I last used it.

"You used my toothbrush?!" I exclaim and can hear his undeniable laughter in response. Grr.. It is so on. I might not get my revenge now but I have all day in school.. The toothbrush lands in the trashcan with a thud while I search the cabinet for another. "You're like an annoying younger brother who won't stop putting his legos under my every step." I mutter just loud enough for him to peek around the corner with a smirk.

"Hey, when we have a kid, wanna name it April East?"He says casually and I just roll my eyes at him. 

"Wow, you're so clever."

"I know, our kids are gonna be so smart and handsome like their Dad."

"We're so not having kids." I snort and walk past him down the stairs.

"You can deny it but April knows it's gonna happen!"


Brian's motorcycle is still in front of the tree where it crashed. Slowly I walk over to the vehicle to see the damage but it turns out there's little. In fact, it seems as if it was carefully placed in front of the tree at a certain angle to make it look like a crash. My hands wander to the back seat compartment and find the keys. Of course Brian would leave the keys in an obvious place. Good thing I live in a safe neighborhood. But then I discover the owners tag on the keys.

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