Chapter 9

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I hate it when I wake up before my alarm clock. It doesn't matter if it's an hour or 2 minutes before the annoying beeps take place; I'm awake and won't be able to sleep again.

Still, my eyelids stay glued shut. There's a red tint from my eyelids, hinting that sunlight is streaming from my closed window.

From my window? I alway keep my curtains drawn and blinds closed. I specifically remember doing this last night..right? Last night is a complete blur, hazy as if I was in a dream.

My ears perk up at the faint but distinct wind coming from in front of me. Not cold but warm. Silently I take a deep breath through my nose and am rewarded with minty clean air. Too minty to be my own scent. Too warm to be from my supposedly 'closed' window.

My eyes pop open and I'm staring straight into the green mossy ones that belong to a certain male who's too close.

"Gah!" I screech and my hand flies up to hit Brian right in the nose. His head seems to knock back as he cups his nose and glares at me. "What the hell was that for?"

"What the hell are you doing in my room?"

"Answer me first."

"You're in my room. That's plenty enough reason."

"Enough reason to hit me in my nose? Didn't your parents tell you not to touch the merchandise in stores?" His cocky smirk somehow manages to appear even though he has a busted lip.

"Oh please. Now my room is going to reek of arrogance." I groan and roll my eyes, standing up and eyeing his nose.

"Nice pajamas."

Oh shit! Only a pair of basketball shorts and a white tank top cover me from his wandering eyes. Heat rises in my face.

"Shut up." I mutter and grab a shirt that goes all the way to my thighs and pull it over my head. Without missing a beat, I go over to the hallway closet and grab a bandaid for this jerks nose.

When I walk into my room I find his hands inside my underwear and bra drawer.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I gasp and grab the black lace panty and bra set from his hands, a mortified expression on my face.

"Was that yours?" The laughter in his voice makes me stomp my foot and clench my teeth in frustration.

"Yes. It was a gift." I snap and quickly put the bandaid on his nose. The lace in my hands adds to my anger. His chuckles abruptly stop at my heated response as he stares at my face.

"Who got you them?"

"Got me what Brian?" I ask with an exasperated sigh.

"The lingerie. Who gave you that set?"

"Why on earth would I tell you that?" It's impossible not to keep the scowl off my face.

"Was it your boyfriend?"

Yes. "No."

"But he's not in the picture, correct?"

My eyes snap up to meet his and I feel as if his question has a double meaning. I am tempted to throw my arms up and shout for him to stop with the annoying questions. "How is any of this your business?"

Oh god. His eyes narrow and intensify on me. Just as he takes a step forward I take a step back.

"I can see you hurting June."


Too close. He's too close. Mint overpowers my senses and I can't let him have this effect on me. My back touches the wall as he places a foot in between my legs and leans down.

His breath is hot against my ear as his right hand goes to my hip and his other grabs the flimsy undergarments that I forgot long ago were clutched in my hand.

"I can see the pain in your eyes ever time I mention this 'boyfriend'. I don't know what he did to you but I will find out and I'll find him."

Brian's nose rubs behind my ear and I swear my heart is on overdrive. The skin on my hip tingles where his hand is. His other hand trails up my side to cup the back of my neck. His stare is too focused and I close my eyes, body on edge. But all I can see is another's face. One that haunts me in my dreams.

"Bennett." I whisper as lips move to my jawline.

"Is that my name?" A deep husky voice whispers against my skin. The voice is too deep. I strain my ears for when he repeats to really listen.

"Is that his name?" Bennett seems to be talking in 3rd person, huh.

All the sensations running through me make me feel like a newly opened champagne bottle. Fizzy, bubbly, special.

"Yes." I sigh and reach up to grab his curly hair. But when I run my fingers through his hair, it's straight and thick.

Fuck. This isn't Bennett. I'm quickly brought back to my senses and remember it's Brian. I let my imagination take over. When I open my eyes I stare at the brown soft hair in my hand.

Shivers run down my back. Brian's lips work their magic on my shoulder as he pulls me closer. This needs to stop. But do I really want it to stop? Even now I can tell the difference between the two. Bennett was forceful and rough. Brian is leisurely placing the chaste kisses up the side of my neck.

Bringing my other hand up to grip his shirt, my knees turn to jello when he makes a satisfied humming sound in the back of his throat when he licks my jawline.

He's close to my lips, oh so close. What will happen if he kisses me? Will it be like Bennett those last few months; emptiness? Or will it be something different? Who am I kidding, nothing will change if he kisses me. He'll still hurt me in the end.


"Stop." My voice is husky and low, barely above a whisper and if he wasn't already so close then he probably wouldn't have heard me.

No! Kiss me already! I'm so tempted to shout out as he pulls away and I'm able to breathe again.

We both stare at each other in silence, the only sound our labored breaths. He knows Bennett's name, what's he going to do about it? As far as I know Bennett is back in Arizona. There's nothing Brian can do.

"June I-" I hold up my hand to silence him and take a deep breath.

"There's nothing you have to say. I'll see you downstairs for breakfast." And just like that I leave my room, the memory of his lips still burning on my flesh.


Oops! That awkward moment when you're so inactive that even your brain sends you mental hate mail.. Sorry!

I hope this tiny teaser makes up for it though😉

I'll make sure to post more


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