Chapter 5

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New characters Point Of View (Terrence)

I wasn't really new to the school but I still felt like an outsider sometimes. Sure, I had a group of friends and I was considered 'popular' but I never seemed to really feel at home.

I moved here a couple of years ago from California and grew up in high school with my friends. We all hung out, worked out, and I watched them lay other girls.

I don't do that kind of thing though, I'm interested in long term relationships with girls. I just haven't found the right girl just yet though. Because what's the point of fucking a stranger while feeling nothing. The whole point of sex is the connection between the two people, making it special.

Although my friends are players they are still good buds. I'm glad to spend my senior year in high school with them. They're all great pals. Though the sure are jerks to girls. That part still irks me.

I will admit I'm not a virgin though. Girls do say I am skilled in bed but I don't flaunt it. Kind of like how my friends show off their six packs, but I don't pick up chicks that way. Hence the reason why I feel like I don't belong sometimes. Although we're all technically single, I'm the only real single one.

"Terrence!" Jake, my friend in our group calls out and jogs to me with excited eyes. "You know that new girl, June West?" Upon shaking my head he frowns, "Really? You two have multiple classes together I think but then again you're too thick to notice any hot lady." He makes a move to ruffle my hair but I quickly avoid it, lightly punching him in the ribs.

"Ow!" He protests. Oops, must've hit him harder then I thought. I give him a sheepish grin and tell him to continue his story.

"Okay," he says rubbing his side as if I gave him a bruise, which I might have by accident. "Well Brian called dibs on her but she doesn't seem interested. She's the only girl who's rejected him and it's really put his knockers in a twist. He says she's 'playing hard to get'." He rolls his eyes with a smirk.

"And you're telling me this, why?" I raise my eyebrow and try my best to look uninterested.

"Dude, fresh meat!" He wiggles his eyebrows and nudges me with his shoulder.

"No." I chuckle and put my hands up automatically, "I don't want to have any part in your plan to get her laid." To which I receive his pouty face and I shake my head as a firm no.

I hate this part of Jake, always having plans on how to have sex with a girl who might I add, be unwilling. "Look dude, I have to go to Mrs. Gurtah to get some work I missed." I say closing my locker and grabbing a book. "I'll see you at lunch."

Only I wasn't going to the my History teacher. I was going to the library. Of course I couldn't tell them this or I would get booed and punched for being a quote on quote 'nerd'. But I just really enjoyed reading. Mostly adventure and mystery.

It was something that let me pass the time when I was bored. We all had free time and instead of having sex, I found my hobby with books. 

"Fine." He sighed with disappointment and stalked off to the lunch room.

I smiled to myself while walking to our school library. It was large and full of all genres of all kinds of books. It was usually empty except for the regular book lovers or computer users who needed to finish a paper. But today was different. I felt it once I entered the room. The air seemed sweeter and I wanted to look around.

I stopped in my tracks once seeing her. A blonde haired beauty who walked through the young adult section with spunk. I only saw her profile but I could tell with her narrow nose, dark blue eyes, and semi full lips that she was somehow different from most fake girls in our school. Her face wasn't caked in makeup and I haven't seen her before. She must be new because I definitely would have noticed her.

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