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*Dammit Mason, what you doing? Last night AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Was not expecting that, but hey Crystal Reed was on the episode, was so happy about that, but besides that sorry for not updating I've been busy and writing, I keep forgetting to update. And also walking dead fans my ship for like 3 years has sailed. I'm happy and will try to update more then once this week, if not next week I'll be getting on track again and the picture has nothing to do with Teen wolf, but I love looking at his muscles and him, he's just gorgeous, but back to the story. Hope you like it and have a wonderful day or if you're across the world a wonderful night. *

"I love you with all my heart, but are you serious? We're going to get killed doing this." I said has I followed Lydia and Stiles to Dereks loft. Derek was teaching Jackson how to control his shift and tonight was a full moon.

"Well I'm sure you need to be their to help and anyway I'm sorta his anchor." Lydia said pulling me to Stiles car.

"So you want to watch a shift?" Stiles asked has we drove to the loft.

"Well......I just want to make sure he's ok. He's leaving soon and I don't want him to get hurt." She said making me laugh.

"What are you laughing about? At least Simon isn't going to be bothering you this year." She said making me think about how this year might be a little better then last year.

"Yeah no more sneaking Derek around." Stiles said making my smile drop.

"Dad doesn't know, so when he shows up Dereks going to have to hide when he comes over." I said laying my hand on the passenger seat.

"Well he knows your closet inside and out." Lydia said making us all laugh at her. I love moments like this, with my friends, and us just hanging out.

"How did you know about being a hybrid?" I asked has Derek has we sat across from each other on the couch at the loft. My scars have healed and were almost all gone. Derek also called Scott a few times, he called all of them, but they didn't answer.

"I was six and my eyes were completely black. My mom knew that it could happen to anyone of us. When a powerful alpha, that has been true to their word has a child their is the possibility that their child could be a hybrid." He said has he pulled into the buildings parking lot.

"So it's sorta a gift?" I asked, he had a look on his face then he looked at me.

"Some people's are a gift. They have it easy to control, others like myself have it harder. The want to kill because of your animal side mixed with your emotions of your other side. It's hard to control, though for you it will be easy to control." He said has he got up and walked over the window.

"Can you control?" I asked has I walked up behind him.

"Normal moons, yes. Blood moons and supermoons, no, not so good." He said has he looked around from something on his desk.

"I'll help you, I promise." I said taking my jacket that was on the bed and putting it on. I walked back over to the couch and sat down.

"Did your whole family know?" I said sitting on the couch and bringing my knees to my chest.

"Yeah, my mom and dad made sure my family knew so they knew how to take care of me during special events. " He said smiling making me laugh a little.

"We should try calling Scott again. It's odd none of them answered their phones." I said making Derek get up and call Scott again.

"Scott........you need to come back.......Elenas fine Scott........no, I found her, Deaton was taking care of her........She's here, one minute..." Derek walked over to me and handed me the phone.

"Scott.......yeah I'm fine.........I'm at the loft.........Ok, make it back ok." I said before he hung up.

"He's coming back home, they all are. The game was canceled." I said laying on my side on the couch.

"Are you tired?" Derek asked walking over to me and rubbing my hair.

"Yeah, I'm going to take a nap." I said wrapping his arms around me and falling asleep on his lap.

Scott POV
When we got back to the school we ran to Stiles jeep and we went to Dereks loft.

"So she's ok." Stiles asked has we pulled in and parked by Dereks car.

"She seemed fine when I talked to her." I said has we ran upstairs. When we got to the door I smelt a smell I never smelt before. We walked in and my eyes glowed and I saw an aura around Elena and Derek. She was sleeping on his lap and I over to them.

"What did you do to my sister?" I said when I got to Derek.

"It's not what you think." He said sitting up from the couch.

"No I'm not talking about her sleeping, I'm talking about the aura around you guys." I said making Stiles look confused and then his eyes got wide.

"What are you guys talking about?" Elena said sitting up on the couch. Derek looked worried and I knew I had to come up with something.

"Just how happy we are you're alive." I said sitting down by her. Derek gave me a confused look and I nodded and smiled at him.

"Stiles are you ok?" She asked. We looked at Stiles, who looked like he was about to start freaking out.

"Yeah I'm just shocked that you're alive." He said walking over and hugging Elena.

"I'm just happy you're alive." He said has they hugged.

Elenas POV

When Stiles and Scott left I felt the tension leave the room.

"What was that?" I asked walking over to Derek.

"What do you mean?" He asked looking at me confused.

"Stiles and Scott, they had tension following them when they left." I said pointing to the door.

"Use your eyes and look at me." He said making me look at him confused. I did what he said and I looked at him with my wolf eyes and I say a dark red aura around him and it was flowing over to me. I looked at myself and noticed that I had the same aura has him.

"What's that?" I asked looking at him with my normal eyes.

"It's our bond, when we did it we created a bond between us." He said looking down and looking at the Alpha pack graffiti on the window.

"So I'm stuck with you forever. I'm ok with that." I said walking towards him and hugging him. I felt the tension in him leave and he turned around and hugged me back.

"Yeah, I guess we are." He said letting go and walking over to the desk.

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