Out for Ice Cream

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Gray's POV

When we go to the shops I asked Ziri, "What do you want to do first?"

"I don't know? But I am kinda hungry..." She replied.

"Hm." I looked around, and saw a barbecue place, a salad place, a McDonalds, and an ice cream shop. "How about we get some ice cream?"

"Sure." She said walking over there.

When we got inside there was no one in there. There was a bell on the counter so I rang it. *ding!*

With in seconds a lady with a pink and blue hat and a pink and blue apron appeared. "How may I help you?" She asked.

"Oh uh...I would like your....blue berry swirl, with rainbow sprinkles on it, please." I said then looked at the lady.

The lady was blushing and had wide eyes. She just stood there.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Sow one hit the back of my head. "Ow!" I turned to Ziri.

She was holding a white shirt. "You dropped this." She said.

I looked down and saw that my shirt was gone! I freaked out and struggled to put on my shirt again.

"Sorry about my friend over here. Anyways...I would like the purple and vanilla swirl, large, with gummy bears, skittles, m&ms, butterfingers, Reese's pieces, and rollos. Oh and top it off with chocolate syrup please." Ziri ordered her ice cream. The lady again was wide eyed with a smaller blush.

Ziri had taken off her jean jacket revealing a strapless black belly shirt. That really....kinda....sorta....*whispers* ~shows off her boobs.~

I walked over to Ziri and picked up her jacket. "You dropped this." I said back to her.

"Huh?" She looked down. "Crap. Not again." She took her jacket and put it back on.

Eventually the lady got us our ice cream and we sat outside to eat it.

"Wow you really like candy....." I said to Ziri as she ate her ice cream.

"Oh yea. Candy is my favorite type of food. At my other school I got expelled for eating candy in every class. Even PE. I always had a piece of candy in my mouth. I like the candy candy rather than the chocolate ones."

"Oh.....ok." I said eating my ice cream.

"Well it's not my fault I could t find my clothes!"

"Your the one who put them in your suitcase, Natsu!"

"Lucy! It's not my fault!"

"Yes it is! You should of been paying attention."

Ziri looked at me. "There at it again....."

"Should we go see what's up?" I asked.

"Eh. Why not." Ziri replied.

We finished our ice cream and walked over to Natsu and Lucy who were holding a bunch of bags from the clothes shops.

"Why are you two arguing again?" I asked.

"Well some pink headed maniac decided to bring girls clothes!" Lucy crossed her arms.

"How was I supposed to know which wardrobe was mine?!" Natsu also crossed his arms.

"So let me get this strait." Ziri said. "Natsu brought his sister's clothes, and now you have to go out and buy ones to wear this week."

"H-how did you know I have sisters?!?!" Natsu asked with surprise.

"Well at first I thought you only had one but now I know you have at least 2." Ziri responded.

"I figured that out as well. And how come I didn't know you had any sisters? I'm your best friend!" I demanded.

"Let's go Lucy...." Natsu stormed off back towards the rooms, dragging a complaining Lucy the entire way.

I laughed at Natsu as he dragged Lucy back. Ziri on the other hand just watched.

"Hey Ziri. How come I haven't ever seen you smile or laugh?" I asked.

She sighed. "Cuz I don't care for it as much. I've had a rough past......and I do t really want to talk about it."

"Oh....ok. Shall we go back to out room? It's getting pretty late."

"Yea sure."

We walked back to the room.

When we got in I said, "Ziri I think I'm gonna take a shower before I 'hit the hay'."

"Alright. I'll take mine in the morning." She replied.

I stepped into the bathroom and got undressed. I turned on the water and was about to get in when I remembered I didn't put my toiletries in the bathroom. I put my pants back on and walked towards my suitcase.

As I shuffled through my bag I saw Ziri sound asleep. She didn't even change. I smiled. She must of been exhausted. I thought. You know....she looks really cute when she's asleep.

I got what I needed and took my shower. After my shower I went to bed.

That's a good place to stop the chapter I think! Hope you liked it! And I hope u didn't think I was gonna make Ziri go in there with him. I'm not horny! I don't do lemons! Anyways! Thanks for reading! I'm gonna soon upload every 15+ views....so don't be startled when I don't post for 10+ views. Thanks for reading my sno-flakes!


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