Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey guys. So, I want to dedicate this chapter to a person who commented on the last chapter. I loved the comment so much. It definitely made my day. So, this chapter is dedicated to @melibaby Go check the account. I just really liked the comment and it made me smile. Also, for the person that commented about the book, I will have something special for you. :)

(Lucy's POV)

I'm woken up the next morning to a doctor lightly tapping my shoulder. I sit up and look at him annoyed. I look at the clock. It's 7:30 am. I groan and look at the doctor giving him a, "What the hell do you want?" look.

He smiles fakely and says, "It's time to take a few tests. If things end up okay, you can go home early." I cringe at the word, "home". I nod as he calls a nurse into the room and we start to get ready.

We've been taking tests all day. I haven't had any visitors thankfully. I was just wondering why David wasn't asking about me since he 'cared so much'. I drop the subject for now and try to focus on something else.

I look around the dull room. I need something to do. I see some books sitting in the corner of the room. I get up and walk over to them. There were no good books except the Hunger Games which I had already read. Twice. I decide to just read them a third time.

I grab all three books and go back to the bed to read them. I flip through the pages until I get to the first chapter. I start to focus on that instead of everything around me.

I'm at the end of the first book when someone walks in. I wasn't paying attention because I just assumed that it was a doctor.

"Lucy.." David whispers, barely audible.

I finish the last sentence and look up at David. "Yeah?" I ask, kind of annoyed.

"I just wanted to say sorry for not coming to see you today.. I think we need to talk." He says quietly.

Now he had my full attention. I put my book down and set it with the other ones. I look at him questioningly and pat the spot next to me. He walks over and sits down. I look at him, focusing carefully.

"Do you remember when we fell asleep together?" He asks, not looking me in the eyes. I nod. "Well, I just have to ask you something.. What are we? What's our relationship status?" He asks looking anywhere, but me. I didn't consider David anything more than a friend at this point. Jason was the one I cared for.

I sigh. "David.. To be honest, I really don't know. We've never focused it seriously and Jason.. I mean, we've been together for a long time." I say. Now it was my turn to look away.

"I knew it." He mumbles to himself.

"Wait, David, you knew what?" I ask, chasing after him. He gets up to leave, ignoring me for a moment.

"I knew it, okay? I knew that you'd till had feelings for Jason! That's why I hadn't come to see you! You led me on.." He yells, his voice cracking on the last sentence. I didn't think he thought anything of us.

"David, I never led you on! I may still have feelings for Jason, but.." I don't know what to say. I'm confused. David's pressure makes me wonder what I'm supposed to do.

"I'll see you later.." He mumbles before walking away.

When he shuts the door, I scream, "Fuck!" Love just has to be so freaking complicated. I have no idea what I'm going to do. David is my only hope of making it out of this alive. Luke was still coming back for me no matter what.

I sit on my bed and bring my knees to my chest. I couldn't help but cry. I cared for David, sure, but I was in love with Jason.

My head starts to throb uncontrollably. My hands start to twitch along with my feet as I try to hold my head. I cry out in pain. I continue to hold my head, but my hands start to fling around uncontrollably.

I just barely press the panic button before everything goes black. The dull empty room being the last thing I see.

(Luke's POV)

I sit back in my chair, coming up with the plan to sneak Lucy out of the hospital. The only reason I let her go was because I needed her. She's my favorite. I will keep that bitch locked up. I look over a map of the hospital. I finish the plan and put everything in a chest and lock it. I head upstairs to my room and pull on my pajamas.

I lay down in bed, wanting tomorrow to come soon for my perfect plan to engage.

(David's POV)

I sit in my hospital room, thinking about everything that had just happened. She yelled fuck several times, but I just ignored it. I went back to my room and plopped onto my bed. This wasn't how I wanted everything to go. I didn't want it to get out of hand and yell at her. Of course she loved Jason. I had only just met her and hell, I even helped kidnap her. No wonder.

It's still not her fault though. I sigh, growing frustrated. This wasn't going to be easy. Maybe I should go talk to her.

That's what I decide to do. I get up and slowly make my way to her room. I start to run when I see her being wheeled out of her room on a gurney. I try to run to her, but a doctor holds me back.

"No! Let me see her! Let me go! What happened?" I scream, thrashing around in the doctor's hold. I'm finally sat down in a neighboring chair. I watch as she disappears.

"What happened?" I snap at the doctor.

"Well, we saw that you left the room, and she was screaming which caused her to have a severe headache. She blacked out and we had to rush her to the ER. We don't know what happened..." He trails off.

"This is all my fault." I mumble to myself. How do they not know what happened? They're supposed to know these things!

I walk away as the doctor tries to question me. How could this happen? This really is my fault. Was it? It had to be, I was last to see her and she was frustrated at me.

This is my fault. All of this is my fault.

(Lucy's POV)

After blacking out, I wake back up a few minutes later. I'm being rushed somewhere on a gurney. I can hear someone shouting, but I'm too out of it to distinguish the voice.

I'm brought into a room and hooked up to a few monitors or something. I look around and watch as doctors push needles in me. My whole body is numb and my heart is beating rapidly then super slow then rapidly again.

A loud, long beep comes from a monitor next to me before I'm out. Probably for good.

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