Chapter 21

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(Lucy's POV)

The movie goes on for a while, but I'm not really into it. Jason doesn't seem to be paying attention either. He keeps glancing at me and has a curious, wondering face. I try my best to focus on the movie, but can't bring myself to fully focus.

I finally get the nerve to say, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I leave the room before anyone can object. I guess dinner has been forgotten.

Before I get too far, I hear Jason say, "I'm going to sleep, too. You guys can take the guest bedroom."

I see that Jason's room is on the left and that's the room I enter. For a hotel, this is really nice.

I walk into the joining bathroom and plop down on the toilet seat. After a minute of pondering whether or not to take a shower, I decide to do so.

Jason's dresser is full of pajamas I could wear, but that would mean rolling them up. I decide on a long t-shirt and boxers.

I walk into the bathroom and put the clothes on the counter. After getting the water warm, I search for something I can wash with. I see that Jason brought my shampoo, conditioner and body wash here.

I grab all three and walk back to the shower, placing them on the lip of the tub. After making sure I have a towel, I strip from my clothes and step into the hot water.

The water burns my skin, but I force myself to stay under. My skin heats and I eventually get used to it. I sigh as I feel some of my muscles relax. I know I'll never fully be able to wash off everything that happened to me, but it's worth trying.

I put shampoo in my hair and scrub really hard, trying to rid the mud, dirt and other mess that was in my hair. After its lathered, I wash it out. I do the same with the conditioner, but wait to rinse.

After scrubbing really hard and long, I wash off the soap and conditioner.

My skin is red by the time I step out, but I don't mind. I wrap the towel around myself and look in the mirror. My face is a bright red color and I feel like I have a permanent frown etched into my face. I try to smile, but fail miserably.

I look at 'MINE' carved into my chest. I turn slightly so I can see where Luke carved his name in my back. My shoulder has a permanent, giant scar and it look repulsive. I shake my head at my ugly body and slip into my clothes. I don't bother to dry my hair. Instead I put it in a pony tail and walk out after cleaning my mess.

"You okay?" Jason asks.

"A little better." Is my short answer. I barely convinced myself of this. More sighing. I walk to the bed and curl myself under the already pulled back covers. Jason wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"Do you need anyth-" Jason is cut off by the ringing of his phone. "Hello?"

I hear a small voice on the other line which I can't quite make out. He holds out the phone. My eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Hello?" I answer hesitantly.

"Hello, Ms. McMillan. How are you?" The lady questions.

Oh just as good as you can be after being raped, tortured and experiencing near death. Just the usual! "Fine." Is what I say instead.

"Good, good. My name is Detective Nelson. Cara Nelson. As you know, we have Luke and his accomplice in police custody. We would like to ask you a few questions and tell you about some court dealings."


"Well, from what you've told us, Luke has had more than one accomplice, yes?"

I hum in response.

"We're not sure if he has any others and he isn't talking. For now at least. We would like to recommend you being in protective custody. We don't know if Luke has any other accomplices. You don't exactly have to be accompanied by a police officer everywhere, but we could have a car sit outside your house and follow you to make sure you're okay." She finishes.

"Yeah, that'd be great." It feels like a weight is lifted from my shoulders as I hear this. It's comforting.

"Okay a car will be sent immediately. When you hear the sirens and see flashing lights, that's them. Now for court dates. Luke, as I said, is in police custody along with his accomplice. With everything held against him, he will not be going to trial.

"For putting him in jail, we will need you to make a statement in front of a court and in front of attorneys. Are you okay with that?" She hesitates for the first time.

"Yeah, that's fine." My voice is weak and it's pathetic.

"Great! We have sent out a larger search party further out to see if we can find those other girls. I understand they were friends of yours?" I can hear her frowning.

"Yeah, I knew some personally and others I had just met. We became close. I was one of the stronger of the group. They helped when trying to help me with escaping. We built a close bond." I choke at the end and let a few tears fall. Jason rubs his hand over my back.

"Okay, we're doing our best, I assure you. The search team is coming back within an hour. Do you want us to call you if we have anything?" She sounds so sweet and helpful.

"Yes, please. At any time."

"Okay, Ms. McMillan. Have a good night."

"You, too." I hit the red end button and continue to let tears slip from my close eyelids.

"Come on." Jason urges.

I lie down with him after drying my tears. Minutes before I fall asleep, I hear sirens blaring outside of our house. They abruptly stop giving me the assurance that the protective custody officers are here. I'm able to sleep and I finally drift.

I'm awoken the next morning to the sound of a loud knocking on the front door. Jason goes to open it with me trailing close behind. I had slipped some jeans on and put my gun on them. My hand is over the latch and I'm nervous as Jason opens the door.

I sigh in relief as I see two uniformed officers standing in the doorway. "You said for us to call when we found something. We would like to take you down to the station so you can maybe identify some pictures." The younger officer states.

"What kind of pictures?" Jason asks the question on my mind.

"Confidential. That's for the detectives and you to know. Jason, we were told to inform you that you can't be in the room." The older officer informs.

He looks at me as if for permission to listen and I nod. Jason nods at the policemen and tells them to wait outside while we change.

I go back to the room. Last night I had forgotten about a drawer of my clothes Jason had here. He had told me that they never were taken out unless needing to be washed.

I grabbed a pair of my ripped skinny jeans and a Linkin Park t-shirt. After slipping into them and putting my gun in the drawer, I wait for Jason. He comes out of the bathroom and nods. He takes my hand and we head out to the squad car.

After I slide in, Jason follows. The officers buckle in and speed down the road towards the station.

We arrive at the station and I'm directed to a small room and I'm told to wait. Jason is directed somewhere else while I sit and wait nervously. What could the pictures possibly be about? Are one of the girls dead? So many possibilities ran through my head.

Finally detective Nelson walks in with a folder in her hands. "Hello, Ms. McMillan. How are you today."

I answer with the same short reply, "Fine."

"Okay. I'm going to show you some pictures. I want you to tell me if you recognize any of them, okay?"


She starts to lay out pictures. I gasp as she lays them down.

"So you recognize them?"

"That's the first cabin I was taken to and the one where I met the girls." I choke.


Hey! Hope you liked this chapter. Thanks for reading!


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