Chapter 22

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(Lucy's POV)

For some reason the detective looks slightly thrown off by my answer. I choose to ignore it. "Okay, that's all we really needed from you. We're still searching for those girls by the way." The detective trailed.

I mumbled a quick okay and leave the room without another word. "Hey, are you okay? What happened? What did she ask? Wh-"

"Jason!" I exclaim. He shuts up and says, "Sorry, whenever you're ready."

"She showed me a few photos and they were pictures of the first cabin that Luke took me to when he kidnapped me the first time." I put emphasis on first.

"Oh." Is all Jason says.

"Yeah." I grab Jason's hand and we exit the station. The same police officers are waiting by a squad car when we exit. As we walk to the car, I think about what just happened.

They found the cabin. Well one at least. The girls were previously there, I was, too. If they can fine this cabin, will they find the others? Will the girls be in one? Many questions swarm through my head without answers.

They say they're doing all they can, but that's what they always say. What if the never really expanded the search? I wouldn't be surprised, though. I continue to ask myself endless useless questions while we get into the back of the squad car.

I push myself against the window and wait impatiently. I just want to home and think and sit and cry. Too many emotions are going through me at the moment and I can't exactly think straight. My head starts to hurt showing sign of a headache. I might as well give up now before I end up with a migraine.

We arrive sooner than I thought and I hurriedly get out. Jason leads me to the door and after he unlocks it, we walk in and go straight for the living room.

"How are you feeling?" Jason asks quietly.

"My head hurts." I groan which only makes it worse. I knew I would give myself a headache.

"Hold on, I'll get you some Advil." Jason leaves the room and heads for the bathroom. I hear some shuffling noises and then he's back. I notice a paper and my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Your grandparents left a note." He hands me the paper and leaves for the kitchen, for a glass of water I presume.

I read the note:

Your grandfather and I went out for a few things. We'll be back soon.


Jason comes back when I finish reading the note. He hands me the glass of water and two pills, "Here you go."

"Thanks." I pop the pills in my mouth and swallow a large gulp of water getting them both down. I really hope the pain goes away soon because it's just getting worse.

"What do you want to do?" Jason asks quietly.

"I kind of want to go to the park. Just relax for a day." I sigh at the thought of sitting in the sun just relaxing on a swing.

"Okay, do you want to go now or wait?"

"Let's just go now." I decide.

I walk back to the room and grab a pair of shorts and a short sleeve shirt. After slipping into them, I walk back out and Jason is waiting by the door with his keys.


"Yeah, let's go." I answer, smiling slightly.

He grabs my hand and we leave for the car.

After a ten minute music filled car ride, we arrive at the park. It's practically just Jason and I and another family. My heart aches at how I won't be able to have children. The swings are open and that's what Jason and I head for.

We spend basically the whole day at the park just talking while swinging. Suddenly Jason stops and looks up. I follow his eyes and there's two cops running towards us.

I stand and start walking towards them to meet them halfway.

"We tried... Calling you. And now we have information and-"

I interrupt the officer to say, "The point."

"The girls, they've been found."


Hey! The more exciting parts will come later, I promise. The next chapter should be a little more exciting. Hope you enjoyed.


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