Chapter Sixty-Five

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Peeta POV- (A few days later, on the phone with Katniss)

"Peeta, I need you to come home as soon as possible." Katniss says into the phone.

My heart sinks and I immediately think the worst has happened.

"What is wrong?" I ask her frantically.

"Nothing. I'm okay and so are Willow and the baby." She says calmly.

"Then what happened?" I ask.

"It's Bristol's grandma. She's not doing good at all and Bristol really needs me to go with her and Blake is still gone." She says.

I don't like the idea of Katniss traveling since she's pregnant but I also know how much Bristol probably needs her right now.

"So, do I need to watch the girls?" I ask, getting prepared to walk out of the bakery right now, glad that we closed about thirty minutes ago.

She sighs, "I guess so. If you don't want me to go then I won't but I would want her there for me."

I frown, "I know and I don't really like the idea of you leaving but I know you'll be safe." I say.

Katniss seems pretty determined this time to be extra extra cautious over her pregnancy but again anything could happen.

"Okay, well we need to leave as soon as possible. Mrs. Brown is in District 10 and they said she doesn't have more than a few days left." Katniss says disappointedly.

She hasn't been this upset since our friend John from the nursing home passed away about 2 years ago. It broke both of our hearts and I don't know what it is but Katniss has an extra large soft spot for elderly people, especially Mrs. Brown.

"Oh. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm on my way now. Are the girls over there yet?"

"No, I said I would call and check with you before I did anything."

I sigh, "Thank you. I'll be right there, baby."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too. I'll be home in a few minutes." I say and hang up.

When I get home I see Katniss has been crying and immediately walks into my arms.

"It's alright." I say rubbing her back gently.

She hasn't seen Mrs. Brown in a long long time but it's her best friend's grandmother who actually helped Katniss out a lot when we were in college and Katniss is just like that. She has a big heart no matter if it's people she is close to or even strangers.

Plus, her pregnancy hormones aren't making this any easier for her, especially when I'm sure that her best friend is so upset.

"Daddy, Mommy is really sad." Willow tells me, frowning.

"I know baby but she will be okay. Guess what?" I say.

"What?" Willow asks.

"I think that the next few days me, you, Carter and Carson get to stay here while Mommy and Bristol go out of town." I inform her.

Willow's eyes get big, "That will but fun but it would be funner with Momma and Bristle."

"I know it would but we are gonna have lots of fun together. Promise." I say.

Katniss looks up at me, "We are gonna leave after she gets here. She's freaking out and I'm freaking out too because it's really sad and Bristol is sad too." She says emotionally and I wipe some stray tears off her cheeks.

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