Chapter Eighty-Three

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Peeta POV-

I roll my eyes as she slams our bedroom door shut.

I swear my wife is the most difficult person I've ever met in my life.

I don't know what she expects me to do about her gaining weight, because she's just going to get bigger. I can't control it and I offered to help her in any way that I can.

She's not even much bigger than she was before she was pregnant.

And it's also not like either time she's gotten pregnant that it was only my fault. I'm also sure I use protection everytime, except when she told me not to for Willow and the 5 months we tried before she got pregnant with this baby. She wanted it too. It's not like I forced her into it.

I mean, I know she's just stressed out but I'm trying to help her the best that I can and she knows that I will do whatever she wants me to do for her.

After about an hour I finish cleaning out the room, making it completely bare.

I can't wait to start painting and putting it all together for the new baby.

I know as soon as we find out the gender that I will be even more anxious to get this finished. I would do it all today if I knew, but I have absolutely no idea what the baby is.

I go into the kitchen and clean up from breakfast, feed the cat and take out the trash. I clean the living room up too and decide to go see what things that we had saved from when Willow was a baby that we could possibly use for this baby whether it's a boy or a girl.

I go out to the garage and find the box containing Willow's old baby crib and even the little side bed thing we had for our bedroom. I lug it up to the baby's room and then go back, digging through all of her old baby clothes, toys and shoes. There's a few books we could use and I get a few toys to take up too. I find bottles, bibs and pacifiers and anything else she had.

I'm glad Katniss saved this all because if it's a girl, we will be set completely. If not, we will still be doing pretty good.

I can't believe we had this much stuff for Willow. She was and still is definitely spoiled and this baby won't be any different, I know.

I can't wait to have a baby again and have Willow too. I remember mornings or nights when Willow would wake up hungry, so we would go downstairs and I would feed her and then she would be wide awake. I wouldn't even attempt to go back to sleep as long as she was awake, because I wanted to spend every waking moment with her that I could.

We still have mornings like this sometimes, especially of late.

I love waking up and getting to spend some one on one time with her, cooking breakfast or holding her while we watch her favorite shows.

I can't wait for these moments with the baby, but it will be even more special with Willow there too. Having both of my children with me like that, making me smile or laugh or remember just exactly how much I love Katniss.

But what is even better than the alone time I have with Willow now or will have with both of the kids in the future, will be when Katniss is there with us.

When I get to see how much she loves them both, just through her laugh or smile.

It's about noon when I finish what I can and I decide to call Katniss's mom to see where they're at.

(On the phone with Katniss's mom)

"Hello?" She says.

I take a deep breath, "Hey, I was just gonna see when you were planning on coming back?" I ask her.

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