Lightning and thunder

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Best chapter title I could think of. Just imagine Bio Broly never happened. Ok, this is after Broly Second Coming.
I really like that pic above cuz Broly is a bae, jk ;)

At 12:00 PM, just a normal day, you were walking in the mountains to your go see your parents, a bag on your back, holding camping stuff, clothes and whatever you need. Trees were tall, the birds chirped, the bugs flew by. It was all beautiful as you walked up the old path to your parents spot. It was still 2 hours a walk away, but for some reason, you didn't mind.
Then the sky suddenly went dark as thunder boomed. You jumped, looking up to see dark clouds quickly roll in as the birds and bugs disappeared. You started to jog, but it was already raining.
You hated both lightning and thunder since the accident when you were 5 years old.
You stopped and hid under a tree, trying to avoid the rain. Thunder boomed again, making you yelp. You quickly dug out your phone but lightning struck a tree somewhere near by you, causing you to jump and drop your phone in the now miniature river on the trail, your phone disappearing. You started to yell in frusteration but something made you turn your attention.
A lightning struck the tree you were taking cover under, started to fall.
You started to run out of the way but it was too late. You fell as a 4 thick branch connect to the tree fell on your leg. You cried out as pain shot through your left leg. You tried moving the branch off your pained leg. Rain poured down, making you soaked, your vision a bit blurry.
The pain in your left leg, affecting your left side of your body as you tried to move it upwards. Pain tears ran down your cheeks as you gave up, laying back.

"This is it." You whisper to yourself, before thunder boomed again.

Then you saw a tall figure looking down at you, a man, you couldn't see his face, 'cause the sky was too dark . But you blacked out.

Yaya! Got this one done!

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