Chapter 7

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Dagger: yo, Krillin!
Krillin: *walks in* hi
Dagger: can I plz have your thoughts or opinions on my Broly story?
Krillen: ........ laters! *runs away*
Dagger: NO *tackles him* ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!

You woke up, yawned and stretched. You realized you were drooling a bit.

"Ew." You giggle and wipe it away. You looked up to see Broly, his arms crossed and eyes closed. "What are you doing today?"

After a moment, he opened his eyes and stared at you with his intense onyx eyes. "........"

"Nothing?" You say and get up. "Ok. But... can you take me to go see my parents?"

He grunted in response.

"Please?" You begin to beg with puppy eyes that didn't seem to affect him.

"Why should I go with you?" He asked coldly. You crossed your arms and pouted.

"Do you want to meet my parents?" You asked and he turned his head for the answer "no".

"Please, Broly?"









"Please." He said and growled as you giggled. "No."

"Please, Broly??? Please? Please? Please? PLLLEEEAASSSE???"

"I said, "NO"!!!!!"

".......... please?"

"Fine." He huffed and got up. "There is nothing to do, anyways."

You jump a bit in excitement. "Yay!" You were so excited, you hugged him for a quick moment, before he could react, you pulled away. Leaving him a bit stunned. "Let's go!"

~a little while later~

You were on Broly's back again and directed him to where your parents are. You on his hard back muscles.

"Broly, are you getting tired of me?" You suddenly ask him. The question caught him slightly off guard.
He thought about it. But... he found himself starting to... not get annoyed of you anymore. Was he starting to like you? Broly mentally cursed himself. He will not like an earthling. But another part-

"Ok..." Your tone turned a bit sad and he took all notice.
But what took your mind off the question was you began playing with his spiky, somewhat soft hair.
He should've told you to stop, not liking to be touched by an earthling. But he didn't stop you. It wasn't hard contact like the fights he's used to. It was comforting? No painful contact, just soft.

"There they are!" You yell excitedly and point to a small clearing. Broly landed on it as you jumped off him and ran to 2 headstones.

"Broly, meet my parents." You say and sit down in front of the stones. Your parent's names carved on each one.
He looked at the stones questionably. You sighed and looked away from him.

"I suppose you want to know..." You sigh and a long moment passed before he nodded slowly. You layed back onto the thick, soft grass, your (H/L), (H/C) as you began telling him,

"I was only 5 years old. It was at night, lightning and thundering out. My parents were driving to our home while I was in the backseat, strapped in my belt, playing with my toys.
Then the car hit something. Confused, my dad stopped the car and got out into the rain. I wanted to go see what it was we hit but mom told me to stay put as she got out. I looked outside the window, the rain making it difficult to see.
I still managed to see them looking down on a small dead animal before white light filled my vision with a loud crack of lightning.
I blinked a couple times before I saw both my parents on the ground through the window. Dead and disorinated. (cant spell)"

You finished, closing your eyes, trying to get the image of them out of your mind. You opened your eyes to see Broly staring at the stones.

"Well, it's in the past." You say and manage a smile. "Let it stay in the past."

He looked at you. "Is that why you seemed afraid of lightning and thunder before?"

You nodded and stared up at the blue sky.

"Why do you have them up here?" He asks, kinda curious for a moment before going mono tone.

You thought about it. You shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know." You closed your eyes, sighing through your nose.

Long seconds passed before you opened your eyes and saw that he was laying next to you.

He stared at you, his onyx eyes staring into your shining (E/C) ones. "Do not move."

Your heart picked up pace as he reached a hand over to you. His hand rested over your chest where your heart is and a blush crept onto your cheeks. His hand was practically on your breast. But he seemed oblivious to it. Your eyes began to take in his features. Every angle of it so sculpted.

"Broly?" You manage to gasp out a little.
His eyes were unfocused while he stared into yours for a little while but he blinked and pulled his hand away over your heart.

Without a word, he took off, leaving you.

You stared at him, leaving. Why would he leave you? You didn't do anything to him. Right?

You sat between the stones for about half an hour. He just left you. In the mountains alone. Before you could yell out, you heard a voice.


You yelped in surprise and fell back. You heard laughter as you got up and looked towards the voice.
A small boy with lavendar hair and another with black spiky hair. Spiky like Broly's, but in a different style. Both on a hovering motor cycle thing. Lavendar hair driving.

"Hi! What are you doing up here alone?" Said the smaller one. "My name is Goten and that's Trunks."

Trunks waved at you, smiling.

"I'm (Y/N), and I'm just here waiting for my friend, Broly to return." You say in a casual tone and shrug.
They both paled and gulped.

"Broly?" They both asked at the same time in fear.

Krillin: can you get off?
Dagger: not until you answer
Krillin: *sigh* ok. Its just a girl liking Broly? Crazy.
Dagger: *gets up* thank you for answering me, Krill!
Krillen: its Krillen...
Dagger: yep! Now shoo!

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