Chapter 20

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"Excuse me." Bulma left the room, excusing herself. Broly was still by your side, his face calm but his eyes frightened.

Niether of you said a word. Stunned into silence. All you could do was hope for the best of the situation. You put your hand over your impregnating tummy. Not wanting to lose them.
Soon a guy nurse came walking in. A white cap over his hair. A mask over his nose and mouth.
You wiped the gel off and pushed down your shirt. Horrified.
Well, they are your first babies...

"We either chose the twins or you, (Y/N)." He said, a tablet in his hands.

"The twins." Is what immediatley left your mouth.
Broly tightened his grip on yours and you looked at him. Seeing his real expression, scared, under his false calm one.
He didn't want to lose you. Or the babies. He already lived a hell of his past.

"This is fatal." The doctor said, looking down at his tablet. "I'm afraid there's nothing we can do. We either save the babies or save the mother. I'm sorry...."

You looked down at your stomach, horrified. Gripping Broly's hand hard. Then you looked up at your saiyan male. He had a slight wetness in his eyes, the poor guy looked like he was about to break. But you, you had a few tears running down your cheeks.

"Is how bad this could've been." He added, pulling down his doctor mask and pulling off his cap. Revealing a grinning Yamcha. "You guys are going to be fine. Even if something did happen, we have the Dragon Balls that can grant any wish!"

You stared at him. Shocked. Your tears instantly halting at his words.
Then you lunged at him from the medical bed, toppling him over as you landed on him on the hard floor.
Your pregnancy making you moodier than normal. And this was it.

"You asshole!" You said, swearing at him as you assaulted him. Mad. "Why couldn't you say that at first!? Who says that to parents?!!"

Yamcha held his arms up at you, attempting to block your punches and slaps. "Ow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I surrender!"

Bulma walked in, looking happily relieved but saw you attacking Yamcha. "What's going on?"

"He broke the bad news to us but told the good news after." Broly explained, looking at you with crossed arms. Lightly smirking that you could get after Yamcha. Out of his scared state to an amused one. Though you felt he was mad, too but decided to let you handle it.

Bulma turned towards Yamcha on the ground and slapped him in the head. Fuming along with you. "Why would you do that!?"

"Ow!" Yamcha yelped as you and Bulma teamed up on him. "Let go of me, crazy women! Somebody help! I'm being attacked by two angry women with the temper of fifty women on their menstruel!"

Since Broly didn't help Yamcha out, it took Goku and Vegeta to drag you off Yamcha.
Nobody knew not to get caught up between a hotheaded lady and an angry pregnant woman.
So, Goku and even Vegeta, managed to gather up the courage to pull you and Bulma off.

"Well, what could've sent my heartbeat all ov-?" You stopped talking, . "Oh..."

Bulma looked at you. "What?"

You looked down. "Uh, Broly and I, may have..." You trailed off. "I don't know, kissing. The excitement was the one thing probably causing the heart raise..."

Bulma stared at you. Then she laughed. "Oh, that's fine, I understand."

Broly on the otherhand, he was smirking at your side. Not ashamed or embaressed, whatsoever.

Thirty minutes later, you kept glaring at Yamcha.
Bulma had the whole group go outside to the outside park she had. Broly was sitting at your side, the both of you sitting on a bench on the sunny day.
Broly was cautious but kept his distance away from Goku and the other fighters.

And... Yamcha. He avoided you and Bulma all together. Bruises forming on his face.
But you mixed up between emotions. Being happy and relieved that you could be happy with Broly now that you've discovered the Dragon Balls could grant any wish. And that nothing is wrong with you or the twins growing inside you.
To be royally pissed that Yamcha told the good news last.

"Yamcha did what!?" You heard Chi Chi yell from somewhere.

"Crap!" Yamcha hissed and took off.

Smiling. You just decided to be happy and relieved for the rest of the day.

Me: You would, Yamcha!
Yamcha: *holds up hands* I said sorry!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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