Chapter 16

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You looked at Broly.

"Yes?" He said, the both of you walking along a beach with the sun setting, (lol all cheesy)

"Uh... " You thought of how to tell him that you are currently pregnant. Broly stopped walking and stood in front of you, squeezing your hand.

"What is troubling you?" He asked, looking into your eyes.

You let out a breath and instead of coming out with it, you said, "Do you have any fears?"

Broly laughed slightly, gently putting you against his chest, his arms around your waist before taking off into the air.
You took this moment to look at the trees grow small as you and Broly wemt up into the air and started flying softly, for your sake.

"I guess, I do not have have any fears." He said after a minute.

You smiled back at him. "Oh, I almost forgot. You're a big, tough, powerful, Legendary Super Saiyan who's never afraid of anything."

Broly stopped to hover and put you in bridal style in his arms.

"There is one thing that I'm afraid of." He said, looking straight into your eyes.

"Oh yea?" You smiled. "What's that? Grasshoppers? Spiders? The Legendary Super Saiyan squealing frightfully at the sight of a tiny bug." You chuckled at the mere thought.

He shook his head at you while smiling slightly. "No, the one thing that I'm afraid of is losing you, my angel."

You kissed him. "That's so sweet."
He chuckled at you.

"Broly, I'm pregnant." You blurt out. He just smiled at you.

"I know, I've sensed the ki of our child for awhile now."


A short chapter ik
A long time to update
..... sorry

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