Chapter 6

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Dagger: Helloo! What are your thoughts on my Broly story, Yamcha?
Yamcha: why should I answer that?! *crosses arms*
Dagger: somebody is on their Time of the Month!
Yamcha: .............

Broly stared at the earthling female on the grass bed. Why couldn't he just end her? What was stopping him?
Those kind of questions frusterated him.
The female treated him as if he hasn't touched a fly. She smiled at him, leaving him confused about what he did to earn the smiles.
She acts as if he wasn't bad at all. That's what made him even more frusterated. He is bad.
He growled to himself. He keeps on thinking of ending her life, but something stops him.
Was it because she seemed to care about him? If so, then-

Broly stopped his thoughts. He didn't want to become soft just because of an annoying earthing female. Yet... intresting. She knew of his past and she still talks back to him, even though she knows what he ie capable of. She... was kinda difficult to read. Sometimes she's a little snobby then the next nice. But the other thing that what made her intresting is that she didn't seem afraid of him.

But... it was so easy to end her. So why couldn't he just do it?
The questions repeated over and over in his head.

His eyes locked onto her. Staring at her sleeping like a creep now. Anyways, her face began disturbed and she began mumbling something so low even his saiyans ears couldn't pick up on it.
She sighed in relief before settling in a relaxed posture.

He got up and opened his palm towards her, aiming his ki at her. Inside him, something screamed at him not to end her. 'What did she do to you?' A part of him asked him.

Broly lowered his arm and clenched his fists. Frusterating.

She groaned a little. "Broly..."

He thought she was awake but she was sleeping. Dreaming of him.

"Earthling." He said, not so evilly.

Dagger: hi! Im sorry that this sucks! But the stubborn Yamcha won't answer my damn question!
Yamcha: I just do not want to!
Dagger: Fine... but I wont force you to answer... *turns into female devil* BUT I WILL SCARE YOU INTO IT! ANSWER ME!
Yamcha: ok! Its just that if Broly wasnt so full of evil then he would be good and I think you should continue the story! *runs out*
Dagger: *turns normal* bye!

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