Chapter 19

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It wasn't easy for Broly to be around Goku and the rest.
He only managed it for about five minutes before he visibly forced himself to leave the area.
Vegeta looked ready to kill at any moment of time. He didn't let Broly out of his sight for more than a second.
But you knew Broly wanted to change. You saw a change in him when you first mentioned you had another being inside you. Nobody else seen it, but you saw it clear as day.

"Legendary baby." Both Trunks and Goten had commented, excited.

Broly was extra cautious with you. So was Bulma. You and her had grown quickly close after you spent the time with her. She had you on moniters, had a device on you to moniter your heartbeat for the past three months.

And today, it was the ultrasound.
You smiled, putting a hand over your stomach. It has been four months when you and Broly discovered the pregnancy.
Bulma wanted to schedule a personal appointment for you. An ultrasound to see the baby.

Then, you and Broly were in a waiting room, in the Capsule Corp.
People saw Broly and immediately moved out of his way. Seeing his rather intimitading frame.

Bulma popped her head in the room. Her blue eyes excited. "It's ready."

Getting up, you looked at Broly. His face calm. You were excited.
The blue haired woman led you into a room.
Broly helped you onto the bed.

"Now, if you'll push up your shirt." Bulma said, professionally and calmly. You nodded and pushed up your shirt, exposing your belly for her to put the gel on.
Then she pulled out a device, a moniter off to the side. Putting the thingy on your belly.

"How are you two today?" She asked, making small talk as she moved the device around on your belly.

"Excited." You instantly responded, keeping an eye on the moniter.

She was about to respond but beeping came up on the moniter.
The sound should've made your heart soar.
But instead, it gave you a scary chill.
(I dont know much about these kind of stuff so bear with me)
It was wrong.
You heard rapid heartbeating.

"No. That can't be..." Muttured Bulma, examining the moniter, showing inside your belly.

"Bulma!" You nearly shouted, starting to feel panicked.
Broly was there, still and silent.
Bulma was still looking at the moniter, wide eyed. "Bulma. What's going on?"

She slowly turned her head towards you. "Your having twins."
But her voice still sounded nervous.

"..... is that a good thing?" You asked, not sure if you should feel more excited or more nervous at the word, "twins".

Bulma didn't answer for a moment. Instead she grabbed your personal heart moniter device from your shirt. It was no bigger than a quarter but she clicked a button on it, and it got big as a tablet.
A screen showed and she scrolled through it.

"Yes and no." Bulma slowly answered.
You realized you were gripping Broly's hand rather hard. Not that he could've noticed.

"Well, according to my heart device," She waved the once small tablet thing. "Your heart rate has been elevated numerous times throughout the pregnancy."

You wanted her to get to the point. Your other hand over your belly. Panicked a little. "And?"

"You're having twins." She repeated it again.
You groaned, frusterated.

"Yes, we know. Just tell us!" You said, frusterated.

"Do you have any history of heart problems or conditions in your family? Anyone pass away from a heart attack? Any leaky valves or myocarduim infractions? Anything heart related?"

You thought for a moment. "Not that I know of."

"Hmm." Bulma frowned. Cleary indicating frusteration and worry as she put a hand to her chin. "There could be another possibilty..."

"And what do you propose that will be?" Broly finally spoke up after being mostly silent.

"Look, I'm just going to break it all to you." Bulma said, biting her nail. Her eyes nervous as she kept glancing at the moniter.

"Just keep speaking." You say, feeling agiatated that she kept leaving you and Broly in suspense.

"Well, you never had a baby before. Or babies, I should say. And likely that your Legendary Super Saiyan blood has affected the twins. Putting the twins undue stress and strain on (Y/N)'s system."

"What?" You gasp. Searching for other explanations. "But you and Chi Chi both had a baby with a saiyan before. Why should this be any different?"

"We both only had one baby per birth. Not twins. And the fact that he's a Legendary Super Saiyan and was strong as a baby, could be in the twins also, so their practically taking your energy for themselves to grow. That could causing your heart to go all over the map."

"Is it fatal?" You question.

"I'm not sure. We've never dealt with a case like this. You're both not an entirely normal couple."


Are you going to be ok?
Will Broly freak out from his calm posture?
What is this thing called "Bad luck" and why is it inflicted on you and Broly during such a happy time?
And most importantly, are the twins going to be ok?
Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!
(Lmao I had to)

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