A Funeral Fit For Tears

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Writer's block is a bitch guys I'm telling you this chapter was hard to get out but here u go enjoy !!

Several days had passed. The date of Peter's funeral was looming over Mari as it came closer with each second, the murderer had still not yet been found, Ian had been declared innocent, and Mari hadn't spoken a word to David since the day he let her go.

Behind closed doors and away from his fiancé, David had harbored feelings for the broken girl no one had seen, since the day he had saw her to sleep after Melanie's wedding. He was ashamed of the fantasies and thoughts of her, the distance from Mari helped subdue them somewhat, but in an other sense, it made them grow to be even stronger. David was at a loss when it came to his course action. He was helplessly in love with two women. He was a bastard.

That's why when on January 3rd, a week before Peter's funeral, and he found Mari on his doorstep, his mind started racing and his heart nearly leapt out of his chest.

He could just reach out and touch her-

"I'm sorry to bother you."

Her voice ripped him from his thoughts.

He cleared his throat. "What do you need?"

"Peter's funeral is next week. The 10th. I was wondering if you might come."

David bit his lip.

"I might. What are the details?"

Mari gave him the time and place and he nodded.

"I should get going, then."

"No, Mari, wait."

She looked up at him through her hair and he sighed.


"What is it?"

David gulped.

"I- I'll be there."

Mari smiled and nodded.

"Thank you."

"Of course."


January 10th.

An open casket.

The body David had grown too accustomed to.

The service was long, there were too many tears, and if David had cried some, that wasn't anybody's business but his own.

Mari walked to the podium to deliver her eulogy.

Before she even started talking David could see the tears on her face.

"Peter Kitch was-"

She paused and wiped her eyes.

"He was the love of my life."

She stared down at the piece of paper and sniffed before folding it and putting it in her clutch.

"He was beautiful. I loved him dearly, and he loved me. He would leave out cereal bowls and leave lights on and leave doors open, and we would fight and yell, but we loved each other still. We were a resilient couple. We were star-crossed. We were in love. I was there when he died, his last moments on earth were spent with me, and I can't be any more grateful for the fact than I am now. I miss him, as I'm sure everyone in this room does, and I want nothing more than to hear his voice again-"

A small sob had tore its way out of her lips and she ran the tissue under her eyes again before sniffling and continuing.

"My life was his life, and now that he's gone, I feel as if I am too. I miss him. Oh god, I miss him so much."

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