Chapter 7

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I waited in my boring little hospital room for someone to come in. To talk to me, feed me, experiment on me,--well, maybe not that--to do anything. I felt so alone, no longer trusting my own thoughts. I kept thinking of depressing things, like how I might never see my friends again, or go to school again, or do anything like that again. Besides all that, I was starving. It was a strange hunger that nagged at my stomach, making me feel empty and on edge. The colorless white walls started playing tricks on me. I longed to have a change in color. I needed something to distract me from all this.
The answer to my prayer soon came, as the handsome Doctor Cullen strode in the room, looking as cheerful as ever.
"Good morning, Halo." He smiled at me.
"It's morning? I wouldn't know." I rolled my eyes at his smile. Morning or not I was to grumpy to attempt at matching his level of happiness.
"Last time I checked it was 9:15." He went to the desk and wrote something down that I couldn't see.
"So then can I have some breakfast?" I nearly felt hopeful. At least I'll be able to eat something. But my stomach twisted when I remembered the last meal I had. Blood. No. I couldn't have that again. But on the other hand it was so amazing to feed off of....
"Yes, you may." He reached inside his pocket like last time, and toke out another tube yet again.
"No." I said sternly before he had the chance to hand it to me. "I'm not drinking that again."
"Halo, you don't have a choice." He said it in a motherly tone. It almost made me think that he wasn't about offer me human blood. Or maybe it was animal blood this time, just to shake things up. Either way, blood was blood. It was disgusting.
"What are you talking about? Of course I have a choice!" My voice began to raise along with my anger. Hunger was fueling my irritation, making me want to yell. I began to sit up, but he rushed closer to me and held me down with a gentle hand.
"No. I'm afraid you don't." He pulled his hand away and sat on the corner of the bed. "When you drank that blood from yesterday, that was your first step." I looked at him confused and annoyed. I propped myself up with my elbows, flinching as Cullen's hand came at me fast to hold me down, but stopped short when he saw that I wasn't going to fully sit up. He relaxed once more.
"What do you mean 'first step'? First step into what? Insanity?" I wanted to snarl, but somehow managed to sound more curious than angry. Which I was. He might give me answers.
"Into being a vampire of course," He smirked crookedly at me. My heart stopped.
"Vampire...?" My voice sounded small. This had to be some sort of prank. Me a vampire? This wasn't happening. This can't be happening. It's impossible for a human to turn into a vampire. You at least had to be bitten by one, first of all. That's the number one rule in turning into one. As far as I know I wasn't bitten by any vampire. My mind wondered back to the strange man I met my the side of the road. He wasn't a vampire...was he?
He nodded. "Yes, a vampire. I'll explain," He stood and drew in a breath, preparing himself for the lecture he was about to give. I stared up at him, giving the doctor my undivided attention. "It's called the Human Vampirism Virus. Or the HVV. You're must be completely unaware how desperate the government wants to know how this virus works. Almost as unaware as to how little we truly know about it." I felt weak. I think I know where this was going.
"So we've been experimenting with it. Animals weren't quite enough. We needed more information, more variables."
"Please stop!" I screeched through my fear. Tears started forming in the corner of my eyes, and rolled down my cheeks. "So you've been experimenting on humans, I get it. Why are you telling me all this?" I sounded pathetic. But I didn't care. I was already a crying mess. There was nothing left to lose. But if this is true, then I'm no longer human. I'm...a vampire. They made me something I'm not. Something unnatural.
Cullen just stared me, stunned by my outburst. I'm guessing he was expecting me to just stand by while he gave his lecture. I wasn't. I refused. I refused to believe this.
"I'm telling you this because you're different," He stared at me with his now emotionlessly face. I wish I could tell what he's feeling. Did he feel sorry for me? Was he ashamed for doing this to me and who knows how many others? From the smirk he gave me before, I'm guessing he wasn't.
"What do you mean?" Tears still continued to make their way down my cheeks and on my chin. They didn't seem to stop anytime soon.
"I mean that you have control over it. No one else has the same effects as you. Your paranoia wore off surprisingly fast, while for others stayed on stage one for weeks. You managed to control your emotions."
"Doesn't seem like I have control over them now." I mumbled bitterly and wipes my tears away with the back of my hand. I sat up fully, and glared at him through the tears.
"How could you do this to me? I'm not even a part of the living now."
"Well actually," He resorted back to a as a matter of fact voice. "You're technically still alive. You simply have vampire urges. Like drinking blood. You'll find that your skin is more sensitive to sunlight, also. You'll age much slower as well."
I frowned. "So I'm not immortal?"
"No." He chuckled, rolling his eyes at my question. I couldn't help but sigh in relief. To me, being immortal didn't sound to appealing. Having to watch while all your loved ones grow old and turn to dust. I wanted to die one day. Hopefully someday far, far away. But I want to know the experience. Even if it's short lived. I want to know what's on the other side. Even if nothing's there.
"Actually," He sat on my bed again, closer to me than before. "I need you to come with me."
I tensed. "Why? What are you going to do now?" It was clear he couldn't be trusted.
"You'll find out soon enough. But first," He held out the blood filled tube. "You need your energy."

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